Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures Reviews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 908
Currently the "community" is kind of one of the weak spots of the game. Up until the epic instances, for which you pretty much need a full group, it's rare to see any sorts of groups at all, even where one would be beneficial. For instance, it is much more common to see 4 individual people standing in the same place waiting for a quest mob to spawn so they can each race to be the first to kill it, rather than they group up and all get credit for killing it the once. This could be because the game's source and progression doesn't really lend itself to trusting others, particularly on PvP servers where your fellow players are as likely to shove a sword through your guts as say hello. Additionally, each player will get a line of "destiny" quests which HAVE to be done solo in their own instance, further implanting the normality of being alone in an MMO in AoC players. True, there are players who band together to make guilds and make a point of adventuring in numbers, but for at least the first half to 2/3rds of the game, one might be left with the impression it's normal to be alone your entire time in AoC.Strategy Informer.
You'll notice that levelling your character, once past the almost single player like port city of Tortage becomes increasingly more difficult and not just because you need to rack up more experience points. Age of Conan right now is distinctively lacking in zones available and given the breadth of Hyboria, which you can see on the main map, it's almost criminal of Funcom to deprive us bloodthirsty adventures more lands to crack some skulls on. There are a good number of quests available once you step outside the main cities of each of the three main capitols but getting past level 40 and onward is a much steeper mountain to climb and the stacks of quests begin to dry up. You begin to pine for your hand holding days of Tortage too as you're stripped of such a great and strong narrative that really fleshed out the world and characters around you in fact I'd go as far to say that Funcom spoils a new character rotten only to take away your candy as you're dumped into the '˜real' Hyboria.