Fallout 3 PAX Previews
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We found the food and took it back to Moira who sent us on another quest to infect ourselves with deadly radiation so she could study it. What? B*tch, you crazy. We did it anyway, submerging ourselves in some irradiated water until we were at 200 rads, though if we would have gotten 600, there was some kind of bonus in it for us. Again, we returned to Moira and she thanked us and fixed us up. At this point, Pete Hines of Bethesda walked over and said, (you know, if your speech skill was high enough, you could have bullsh**ted her into thinking you had done it when you actually hadn't.) Lie in a video game, Pete? I would never.And Aeropause.
If you liked Oblivion, you will like Fallout 3. If you liked Fallout 1 and 2, you will like Fallout 3.
Because, they have done an AMAZING job of melding RPG elements from the originals into Fallout 3. The old stats like Action Points and Perks are, of course, adapted for the new 3D platform, but far from feeling tacked on, I felt very much the same as I did when I played Fallout for the first time.