Rise of the Argonauts Team Q&A #2

A second Q&A with the Rise of the Argonauts development team is available on RPG Vault.
Jonric: What are a couple of god powers or other abilities that you consider particularly interesting, fun, cool or otherwise notable, and why do they stand out in your mind?

Andrew Rubino
Game Designer
All of the gods have very cool, useful abilities, but as I mentioned previously, I lean towards Athena and Hermes. She has an aspect called Strategic Assault that I love, even if it is hard to pull off. If I can avoid taking damage or blocking any attacks while consistently hitting my enemies, all of my strikes will gain a bonus to damage for as long as I can avoid getting hit. It's not the easiest thing in the world, but its made less difficult thanks to his Quicksilver aspect, which makes my dodge a lot faster.

I also really like the god power called Spirit Trail, which allows Jason to drop decoys of himself that the enemies will attack instead of him. You get from Hermes, who can also provide the Merciless Strikes aspect, which increases damage done if you hit an enemy from behind; this combination can produce a devastating combo.