Fallout 3 Reviews
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The wealth of content here truly is staggering. After all we haven't even touched upon the sensible levelling system, the solid technical achievements in everything from voice acting to frame rate (facial animation is lacking somewhat, but these are laughably minor grievances), the well-balanced range of weapons, the Pip-Boy 3000 (whose intuitive set-up makes item/quest management become second-nature).to pick apart everything that makes Fallout 3 so superb we'd need a word count that ran into ve gures. It's a game that begins in breathtakingly audacious fashion again we're staying resolutely spoiler-free and simply doesn't let up from that point onwards. Though it doesn't do anything particularly revolutionary, the level of artistry is so far beyond anything we've played recently that it almost doesn't need to; standing uniquely in the busy Christmas schedule and indeed within 2008 as a whole, Fallout 3 is an experience to savour, a game about which every player will have their own story to tell.
Then move to Gameplanet, where they give the Xbox 360 version an 8.5/10:
This game is all about exploring, and so it's best if I say as little as possible and allow you to go and enjoy it for yourself. Fallout 3 is definitely not a shooter, although many might make that mistake by looking at it. It is, however, a very impressive open world RPG. Bethesda have taken everything that was good about Oblivion and improved on it in many ways. It's always promising to see a developer improve with each game (especially when the quality of each game is so high to begin with) and I cannot wait to see what they manage to pull off next.
On to Boomtown, where the PC version received an 8/10:
Overall Fallout 3 is a great game hampered by a few problems. Many people will be drawn to the RPG elements while hardcore FPS gamers might sit this one out. The main campaign lasts 20 hours which is easily doubled if you take on the numerous side quests available. The game concludes nicely, but ends after that so any side quests you want to take on need to be done before the last mission. Bethesda has done the Fallout series justice and should be proud of the game they made, unfortunately, the scope of the project was too much for them and the PC game felt unfinished in places, but simply outstanding in other areas.
And finish things off with Games32, where the score of 91/100:
Even with a lot of negative reactions from the old school, hardcore Fallout fans, even with some aspects that lack the depth we were used to from the old games, and even with the dramatic change of the combat mechanics and camera system, Fallout 3 is still Bethesda's crown jewel and one of the best games this year. I advise everyone, friend or foe to give it a shot.