Fallout 3 Reviews
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There is no doubt in my mind that Fallout 3 will end up a classic that will be remembered by many for decades to come. The game does its predecessors justice by successfully offering a modern take on one of the most revered franchises of the past. It has been a long time since I awarded a game a perfect score but Fallout 3 deserves nothing less.
The second is at GamersInfo.net with no score:
In essence, Fallout 3 is a game about rewarding you, the player, for playing in whatever manner you see fit. You can play through and run around, guns blazing, making a mess as you rampage through the wasteland. You can play a character who only kills as an absolute last resort. Or, you could do like I am on my current playthrough grab a powerfist, some grenades and mines, and go to town. The choice really is yours in the Capitol Wasteland, and no choice is truly wrong. This is one of the rare few games that I will find myself coming back to not only for the next few weeks but for months down the line, as players modify certain aspects of the game and make it even more fun to play. I really can't recommend this game enough if you're a fan of the Fallout series or have enjoyed games like Oblivion. And if you're like me and enjoy blood, guts and gore, take the Bloody Mess perk the moment you hit level 6. Trust me. You will not regret it.
The third is at 2404.org with a score of 7.0/10:
Still, Fallout 3 is not terrible. Some quests are genuinely fun, the experience of exploration which has been key in every Bethesda RPG is here in full force and provides easily the most compelling experience of the game. The details of this world are far more interesting than the blank desertscape of earlier Fallouts, and without doing any of the quests you can fully explore the abandoned metro stations, highway outposts, and ruined factories Bethesda has constructed. That's worth a lot, especially considering very few other studios really make the effort to make their vast worlds worth taking a look at.
The fourth is at Game Boyz with no score:
Fallout 3 IMHO is one helluva a game. The action is non stop and the world expansive. If you're looking for a game that is fun to play and will take you months to play the Fallout 3 is your game.
The fifth is at DailyGame with a score of 9.3/10:
Fallout 3 is not a game to play, necessarily, but a game to experience. If you start the game with the sole purpose of beating it, you'll find it surprisingly short and unrewarding. But if you go into Fallout 3 trying to get a feel for the entire world, for the characters and cities and side missions, you'll find a title that is much more than its main storyline. Fallout 3 is not Oblivion with guns, nor is it Oblivion in the 23rd Century. Fallout 3 is Fallout 3: one of the deepest action RPGs ever created, a unique hybrid of real-time and turn-based combat. The hybrid at times feels a bit forced, almost as though Bethesda was afraid to go "too deep" at times, but the end result is still nothing short of a must-buy game.
And the sixth is at 3 News with a score of 5/5:
And so. I add Fallout 3 to my list of (games that will wow you on the PS3), along with Heavenly Sword and Metal Gear Solid 4. Of course Fallout 3 isn't exclusive like the other two, but you get my point. Fallout 3 is awesome, and for the amount of time you'll spent playing it, fantastic value for money.