Warhammer Online WAR Stories Released
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Mythic Entertainment Gives Warhammer Online Fans Tales of Death and Glory with a Pair of Original "WAR Stories"
New Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning lore sheds light on the game's new careers: the Empire's noble Knight of the Blazing Sun and the vicious Dark Elf Black Guard. With the help of noted Warhammer novelists Nathan Long and Mike Lee, Mythic gives players around the world the chance to delve deeper into the history of these two new combatants, with a duo of original works of fiction. Both tales are now available at http://www.warhammeronline.com/warstories/.
(The Sword is Forged,) by Blackhearts series author Nathan Long, follows the adventures of newly-knighted Regina Seibolt after her initiation into the Order of the Blazing Sun. Regina's rigorous training and faith in Myrmidia will both be tested as she is thrown head-first into a dangerous mission with nothing but a ragtag bunch of warriors at her side.
(Cruel as Ice, Cold as Steel,) by Malus Darkblade series co-author Mike Lee, is a darker look at a deadly warrior. Highborn Druchii Rathann Darkmoon is a fresh recruit into the Witch King's elite Black Guard, evil and merciless fighters that bring truth to the phrase: (through hate all things are possible.) His is a story of fear and death, wrought by the blade of his black halberd and the hatred in his even blacker heart.
Look for future releases in the ongoing WAR Stories series featuring top-tier original fiction set against the backdrop of the Age of Reckoning.
Based on the popular tabletop war game from Games Workshop, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning features revolutionary Realm vs. Realm conflict that will provide players with an engaging battleground for years to come. Available now for PC, WAR is rated (T) for Teen by the ESRB.