How We Can Reshape The Game Industry

A massive in-depth editorial by Tim Carter on GameSetWatch discusses the need for a new industry model for the game industry.
The creative crisis of the game industry is well known. Game companies stuck making sequels, trapped inside old and stale genres; innovation done on the backs of tiny self-funded indie developers; massive publishers staying only with the tried-and-true -- unoriginal takes on space marines, alien invasions, WW2, orcs and elves.

But there has been response to this. High-level parties have declared, "Okay, everyone, let's start innovating here." Sincere attempts have been made.

But there has been little examination and questioning of the underlying process used to make games. So isn't this just whipping a horse? How can using the same fundamental process that brought us into the creative crisis now facilitate innovation for the larger game projects that form the backbone of this industry?