The Whole Game in My Hand #12, Part Two
Category: News ArchiveHits: 773
Valhalla Knights 2 (PSP) (My Score 2/5, Rated T)
Did you realize that an anagram for 'Valhalla Knight Two' is "we failed to listen to constructive criticism"? OK, so that isn't accurate, even if the sentiment is true. An actual anagram is the somewhat more sinister "Halving Hawk At Toll", which describes one possible thought you will have after suffering through this miserable sequel to one of last years most disappointing PSP games. In the months approaching the release of this game I was watching videos, looking at screens and reading previews and honestly found enough promising looking stuff that I believed that this sequel might actually be able to redeem the original. Nothing prepared me for this one actually being WORSE than the original!
Here is a quote from my review of the original: "I will occasionally drift off in thought while playing games and picture life in the world described by the game. This can be a good thing, such as imagining life in the island city of Khorinis in Gothic II, or a bad thing, as I wonder who is sitting in all of the empty chairs around Arindale in Dungeon Lords. In this case I was thinking about Sartre. To be specific, I was thinking of his play No Exit. The basis of the play is that several people are trapped in a room with no exit, left to deal with nothing but each other. The group eventually realize that they are in hell - and that hell is the other people.