Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods Review
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1133
Technically the game is a mess - between the long load times, the poor performance, and the lousy audio it is already enough to scare most people away. But I actually would have dealth with that were it not for two things - crashes and game-breaking bugs. Crashes are frustrating when you have more gaming than game time and know that a CTD means at least ten minutes before you'll be gaming again. But worse still were the game breaking bugs - times when you can't get to something or someone, or when you have been given two quests at cross purposes and the game won't let you advance the story because you chose the wrong one, and on and on. My mantra became 'save early, save often, and back up your saves'.
The comparison that kept coming to mind for me was Soldier of Fortune II. While Soldier of Fortune II had a reasonable plot and characters wrapped around a very gory game driven by a locational damage system that remains magnificent to this day but was simply part of the game ... but the sequel (not developed by Raven, the original developer) took out the precision and visceral excitement and replaced it with a system where you might decapitate someone by shooting them in the foot twice. It wasn't fun and just repeatedly demonstrated how the developers simply failed to grasp what made the original games so beloved to FPS fans.