Diablo III Forum Activity
Category: News ArchiveHits: 968
On connection speeds:
For online games it's not usually the bandwidth (your 1800kb/s) but the latency that's a factor. Latency is the time it takes for data to leave your machine, hit the game server, and return back. In general games aren't sending enough data where it would actually bottleneck because of your bandwidth, there are exceptions but I think you should be ok.
On charms... which then took a turn for the worse:
Charms? Maybe. Probably not. Could be! No. Well...
...Look Bashiok. If you don`t have some real answer, you should not bother to participate in this discusion.Aww don't be like that. It's just not a topic I can really go into, and granted I could just as easily not post as act goofy, but we're all here to talk about a game. I think I've made some very nice posts, not all of them are gold but I don't think it's fair to pass judgment that I'm just posting crap all the time. There's time to have some fun while we wait.
We are here to discus and and try to find some new information about D3.
I don`t know what your job in Blizz is, but if your responsibiliti is to talk with us then show some respect to people on this forum.
Cause when i saw blue logo near the topic, I rushed in hoping for some more than your stupid coment.
And I`m not alone for sure.
I spend enough money on Blizzard games already, some amount of that money is used for paying your bills. Don`t forget that your company is depending on US!
So next time when I see the blue logo I want something that makes sense instead of your usual answers.
Some games that I bought:
StarCraft, Diablo1, Diablo2, Lord of destruction expansion....
And I will buy Diablo3 for shure.
On Diablo II secrets:
The chat gem changes from blue to purple and prints "Gem Activated" or "Gem Deactivated" to the chat window.
The Standard of Heroes is a reward. It doesn't do anything, except maybe give you a sense of accomplishment.
On which class we'll play first, as a poll:
While we of course still have two unannounced classes, out of the three announced which are you most excited about playing?
The poll will run for one month.
Witch Doctor
Hey! Well, yeah I mean it's not AMAZING but in all reality poll topics are... touchy... to say the least, so it's sort of necessary to keep the topic limited to specific types of questions. I still think it's cool to see what people are most interested in, even at this point.