Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures Update Notes
Category: News ArchiveHits: 932
* Cradle of Decay is a level 43 group instance which can be accessed through the Field of the Dead.
* The Slaughterhouse Cellar is a level 80 single player instance located in Thunder River just south of the palisades area.
* Xibaluku is a level 80 group instance located in Thunder River on the prison island. There is a quest pre-requisite to enter this area. You can begin this quest by speaking to General Lupercus in Thunder River. (This quest will send you into the The Slaughterhouse Cellar to obtain items).
* Black Ring Citadel, Wing 3 is a level 80 raid instance that can now be accessed from Kheshatta between the entrances to Wing 1 and Wing 2.
* All areas should now support multiple players zoning at once.
* Alt-tab problems should be fixed now.
* Several sources of server lag spikes have been removed.
* You wshould no longer briefly see yourself from inside your head when going from first person view into dialog view.
* The emote relaxed_lean should no longer cause the camera to shake slightly.
* Fixed the female sitting animation.
* Added some new emotes: Adjust, cough, fart, picknose, and sneeze.
* Added cinematic camera movement when you are killed.
* More than 200 male and female social animations have been polished.
* When creating a new character, the random server chosen will match the client language if possible.
* Corrected a few issues to improve performance and fixed several causes of crashes.
* Magic Damage should be applied now correctly to destructable objects.
* Corrected some invisible body parts.
* Many exploit fixes were included in this build.
* When mounting, all emotes are now aborted and blocked.
General: Rogue
* Quick-dismount for rogues should now dismount characters away from nearby obstacles, instead of always dismounting on the right-hand side.
General: Soldier
* Defensive Stance' now starts at a base of 7% damage mitigation for all Soldier classes. With Improved Defensive Stance' you can gain up to 10%.
* Defensive Stance' will now also mitigate magical damage.
* Defensive Stance description reflects these changes.
* Curse of the Lotus' should now snare victims by 50% for the duration of the fear effect.
* Death's Gaze' has a new casting animation.
* Updated the description text of the Impale' and Finishing Blow' feats to more clearly and accurately reflect their functions.
* Added new particle effects to the 'Blessed Conquest' ability.
* Updated the description text of the To the Death' feat to accurately reflect its function.
Dark Templar
* Devourer's Might' should now increase the damage of Soul for our Feast I' and Leech Life I'.
* Epic armors have been adjusted to better fit the feel of the class.
* Talisman Mastery should no longer fail to update on a weapon swap after dying. Swapping weaponsets will cause Talisman Mastery to refresh (shift-R by default).
* Added new particle effects to the 'Planar Shift' spell.
Herald of Xotli
* Reduced the stamina cost of Hell Strikes I'.
* Reduced the stamina cost of Body and Spirit Wrack II'.
* Reduced the stamina cost of Burn to Death'.
* All ranks of the Molten Steel Slash' combo will now animate and execute slightly faster.
* Added new particle effects to the 'Phoenix Cloak' spell.
* All Necromancer pets now play a spawn animation when they are summoned.
* Necromancers should no longer automatically receive the Spellweaving buff window upon entering Spellweaving state. Necromancers now have the same chance to receive the Spellweaving buff window as all other Spellweaving classes.
Priest of Mitra
* Added new particle effects to the 'Hand of Mitra' and 'Soul of Mitra' spells.
* Mezz Shots should now play the correct animations for bows and crossbows.
* Linebreaker' no longer knocks back friendly targets.
Tempest of Set
* Thundering Command' has been renamed to Thundering Voice.'
* Added new particle effects to the 'Serpent Transmutation' spell.
* Blood Mana's displayed timer has been corrected and adjusted to be more readable.
* Storm Field's base critical hit chance has been increased for all ranks.
* Epic Tempest of Set Polearms should no longer inflict damage while the caster is protected by Shield of the Risen. Team members will also stop inflicting the pulsing area-of-effect damage if you or they are protected by Shield of the Risen. You will no longer lose Shield of the Risen while you have Storm Crown active.
* Characters will no longer automatically get Shield of the Risen upon login. It should only be applied when zoning, resurrecting, or teleporting.
* Some pets should now be immune to crowd control effects. This includes: Pitch Pots, Living Firestorm, Living Thunderstorm, Blood Pit, Idol of Set, and Cyclone of Set.
* Players will have a chance of doing a fatality on human enemies whenever they attack them from stealth.
* Players can no longer be knocked back through geometry.
* Players who are being knocked back will no longer be able to enter Spellweaving until they get back up.
* Spellweaving while Shield of the Risen is active should immediately remove Shield of the Risen.
* You will now receive quest updates when destroying world objects, even when your pet deals the final blow.
* Spells on your shortcut bar will gray out when you cannot cast spells in the state you are in (stunned, feared, charmed, silenced, etc).
* Two handed blunt weapons will no longer sound like blades when being drawn/sheathed.
* Players should no longer get stuck in the knockback state if they get feared during it.
* A short (1s) cooldown has been added to the Hide ability when it successfully activates. This will prevent a player from entering then immediately exiting Hide state if they were to press the button twice.
* An aborted multihit attack should now always show the combo cooldown correctly.
* Correct damage is now shown when attacking destructibles.
* Characters will no longer exit swimming mode when the client loses connection.
* Monsters no longer follow hated players without attacking.
* When charmed by an NPC, you will always move with jogging speed, regardless of crowd control abilities that otherwise would slow you down.
* Tab targeting will no longer target dead players.
* NPCs doing melee attacks should now only turn to face their target if they aren't rooted.
* Dead entities will no longer be auto-targeted when your character faces them.
* Fixed a line-of-sight issue on tab targeting that made you unable to tab correctly to your next target.
* The level up animation will no longer play while in combat mode.
* Characters will now make less noise while using the Hide ability.
* Characters will no longer slide when moving immediately after performing a basic attack using bows, crossbows, and throwing weapons.
* Spellcasters no longer slide if moving after the casting bar for a spell has completed, but before the animation is over.
* Male characters will no longer twist their wrists unnaturally when firing crossbows.
* Characters will no longer be able to move and slide around while getting up from a knockback.
* The Feared animation now plays when you are feared.
* When being knocked off a ledge or similar, the player should now land as if falling, and no longer be able to slide around on his back while getting up.
* Reduced the number of strange fatality situations, such as decapitations with a hammer or impales an axe.
* Fixed some animation hiccups related to knockbacks on certain pets.