Fallout 3 Patch Improves Xbox 360 Graphics

Though there was nothing about it in the patch notes, Inside Digital Foundry has analyzed the Fallout 3 PC/Xbox 360 v1.4 patch and found that it adds some missing graphical elements.
It turned out that Xbox 360 version, despite its superior frame rate and full-on 4x MSAA, had flaws of its own - notably some inferior textures when viewed close up, along with a lack of specular maps on the monsters and characters, resulting in a somewhat flat look compared to the other versions of the game.

As it happens, the latest Fallout 3 patch isn't just preparation code for the upcoming DLC. one of the small issues with the launch 360 game has been addressed: the specular maps are back. Perhaps the omission was simply a bug? Or perhaps not, because while the effect has been replaced in the more obvious locations, elsewhere it is still absent. But regardless, it's an obviously welcome addition for 360 owners, and we presume that the upcoming DLC will be looking as good as it can possibly be. Nice.
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