Eight Confessions of a Star Wars Galaxies CSR
Category: News ArchiveHits: 794
The AT AT - For the most part player vs player combat was lopsided. Everyone and their mom wanted to be a Luke Skywalker type, and eventually become a jedi. One day as I was helping a player on Ahazi get his items back, when I saw that they were in the middle of getting dominated by a bunch of Rebel players. At this time I was still green when it came to spawning stuff because up until later, we really weren't allowed to do it. So as the Rebels continued to destroy everything in site, I decided to throw down some storm troopers. This really didn't slow the Rebels down so I began to pump out some of the higher level NPCs. At this time I'm pretty sure the guy told his guild that I was helping their city stay alive so they started shouting (We need an AT AT to win this!) At first I was like (ya not gonna happen) but as I saw the Rebels pretty much taking control of everything I decided '˜meh what the hell'. So I ended up dropping the AT AT on the outskirts and then dragged it into the battle. Probably the most fun those players have ever had. I would have gotten away with it too, but someone made a video of the event and posted it on the forums.
Server Wide Raids - When server numbers start to drop, so does the level of fun. As a rule of thumb you were never supposed to use the galaxy broadcast message unless it was to alert players of a server shut down, or your name was Pex (the events manager). However, late one night I made a judgment call to breath some new life into the servers I was in charge of (Lowca and Starsider). So without warning I began to make up some role playing type of broadcasts *Rebels need reinforcements at X location immediately* or *Imperial Transmission - need PvP support at X location now!* I had a folder with over 500 spectacular player vs player combat screenshots that I unfortunately forgot to save when I left.