EverQuest II Lavastorm Revamp Preview
Category: News ArchiveHits: 750
The end game content sits mostly on the western end of the zone with an entire new area full of void monsters. The tie in is with the Shadow Odyssey expansion, so if for some reason you haven't purchased it yet, some instances will be unavailable. Quests are available right inside where the old Solusek teleporter is and progress players toward a two group raid instance called the (Ward of Elements.) The EQ2 dev Timetravel provided some details, which included the tidbit that we'll meet Najena herself, "It's very long with eight bosses, however the first six are non-linear and can be done in any order as players learn the zone."I distinctly remember traveling to Solusek A and B through Lavastorm in the original EverQuest, though I'm sure the version in EverQuest II is considerably different.
The only thing we didn't see was the new epic X4 instance that sits on a small island just west of the docks. SOE did not confirm this was ready for the patch, but it appears to be part of it eventually. It looks identical to the void portals in the Moors of Ykesha, and my curiosity couldn't be curbed so I poked my head inside. While I was only able to see the first room, it was identical to the Anchor of Bazzul. Ginormous void creatures patrolled around with a named mob standing in front of three forcefields.