2.0 Launch Preparations

Blizzard Entertainment has not only renovated their website, but they're now encouraging players to merge their World of Warcraft accounts into a single login. The following FAQ is available, which outlines exactly how the service is evolving:
Q: What is a Account?

A: As part of our ongoing improvements to, we are introducing a centralized account system that will let players manage all of their Blizzard Entertainment games, including World of Warcraft and future games, in one place without having to remember multiple sets of login information.

Q: What are the benefits of creating and using a Account?

A: The new Account allows you to log in to World of Warcraft, manage purchases at the online Blizzard Store, keep track of CD keys for your Blizzard Entertainment games, access our websites (such as the World of Warcraft Armory), opt in to upcoming beta tests, and more using a single login -- just your email address and a password. In the future, we plan to add more features, including tools to make it easier for friends to communicate between games and to help bring our community of players closer together.

Q: Are these Accounts related to Blizzard Accounts?

A: Accounts are an evolution of the existing Blizzard Accounts. If you already use a Blizzard Account, you do not need to create a new Account -- the Blizzard Account has been automatically converted, and people with existing Blizzard Accounts have received an email containing more information.

Q: How are World of Warcraft accounts related to Accounts?

A: Think of a Account as a keyring that can hold up to 8 World of Warcraft accounts. To merge a World of Warcraft account with a Account, visit the / World of Warcraft Account Merge page and follow the instructions there. Repeat the process for each World of Warcraft account you wish to merge.

Q: I play World of Warcraft using multiple accounts -- why should I merge all of them into the same account?

A: One of our long-term goals for is to introduce community and communication features that will make it beneficial for players to have all of the accounts and games they play associated with their own, single online identity. Merging all of your World of Warcraft accounts into one account will enable you to take full advantage of these features in the future. We'll have more information to share about our plans in the coming months.

Q: My family plays World of Warcraft together. Should we create a single account for all of our World of Warcraft accounts?

A: No. Sharing access to a World of Warcraft account, other than by a parent or guardian with a single minor, is a violation of World of Warcraft's Terms of Use. You should create a separate account for each family member's World of Warcraft account. In addition, future features will make it beneficial for players to have the account they use associated with their own online identity. Creating separate accounts for you and your family ensures you will be able to take advantage of these features when they are introduced later on.

Q: How do I log in to the game after I've merged a World of Warcraft account to a Account?

A: After you complete the account merge process, you will use the Account information (i.e. the email address and password you designated) to log in to World of Warcraft. The old World of Warcraft account name will no longer be used to log in to the game, the World of Warcraft forums, or the Armory.

Q: Will my Blizzard Authenticator still work?

A: Yes. If you use a Blizzard Authenticator, you will need it when merging the associated World of Warcraft account into the new Account. The Authenticator will automatically transfer to the Account during the merge process, and you will still need it when managing Account information and logging in to the game. For more information on the security benefits of the Blizzard Authenticator, visit

Q: What happens if I play on multiple World of Warcraft accounts and use Authenticators for each one?

A: When merging each World of Warcraft account to a Account, you will need to enter information for each account's Authenticator. However, once all of the accounts are merged, you will only need the Authenticator used for the first World of Warcraft account you merged. You may give away, sell, store, or dispose of your additional Authenticators, as they are no longer needed.

Q: Can I add a Blizzard Authenticator to a account before merging a World of Warcraft account?

A: You must first merge a World of Warcraft account into a account before options to add a Blizzard Authenticator will appear in Account Management.

Q: How do I log in if I've merged multiple World of Warcraft accounts?

A: After you log in to World of Warcraft using the Account, you will be prompted to select which of the merged World of Warcraft accounts you wish to play. Players with multiple World of Warcraft accounts are still able to log in and play them simultaneously.

Q: I already have a classic account that I made for StarCraft, Warcraft III, and/or Diablo II. Can I just use that?

A: No, the new Accounts are separate from classic accounts for StarCraft, Warcraft III, and Diablo II. To allow for the features we have planned, we've built the new Account system from the ground up for World of Warcraft and upcoming games such as StarCraft II and Diablo III. In order to play Warcraft III, Diablo II, and StarCraft on, you will still need to log in using your (classic) login information.

Q: Is creating a Account required to play World of Warcraft?

A: Currently, creating a account and merging World of Warcraft accounts is entirely optional. However, as we continue to build additional functionality into the new, we will eventually require all active World of Warcraft accounts to migrate over to Accounts in order to continue playing. Additionally, all future Blizzard Entertainment games such as StarCraft II and Diablo III will require Accounts.

Q: Why will accounts be mandatory to play World of Warcraft in the future?

A: With the upcoming releases of StarCraft II and Diablo III, having one unified account system allows us to ensure the highest-quality user experience and customer support for our players. In addition, the new Account system will give World of Warcraft players access to certain future service features and updates (as applicable).

Q: What happens if I change my email address?

A: If you change your primary email address in Account Management, the Account name will change automatically, and you will log in using the updated email address. All of your game associations and online Blizzard Store purchases will stay linked to the account, and you will not have to create a new account, re-merge any World of Warcraft subscriptions, or repurchase any games.

Q: How will I log in to Blizzard Entertainment forums after creating a Account?

A: To access the World of Warcraft forums, you will log in using the new Account. After doing so, you will be able to select which merged World of Warcraft account and character you wish to use to post. To access the classic forums (including the existing StarCraft II and Diablo III forums there), you will continue to log in as you have in the past. As we add community features to the new, our forums will continue to evolve; we'll be able to share more about our plans in the future.

Q: Sign me up! How do I create a new Account?

A: Simply start at and follow the instructions to create a new Account.

Q: Is there a subscription fee or a creation fee?

A: No, there is no subscription or creation fee for creating a Account.

Q: Will Accounts include parental controls?

A: In the future, we plan to add parental controls similar to the ones now available in World of Warcraft Account Management.

Q: Isn't it a bit risky to link all my games to one password? What if someone steals my account?

A: Security has always been one of our top priorities, and that's true of Accounts, too. For related information and security advice, please visit