Elven Legacy Reviews

The very first online reviews of SouthPeak and 1C:Ino-Co's Elven Legacy are now available, though they're not quite as favorable as we might have hopeed.

Boomtown gives the game a 6/10:
Fans of turn Russian developer 1C's Fantasy Wars title will feel at home here and novice players may be attracted by its simplicity and omission of in-depth resource management, but Elven Legacy does little to break new ground in its genre. Although the quantity of content will keep enthusiasts entertained for hours, it's unlikely to win new followers.

While Hooked Gamers goes with a 8/10:
All in all, my honest impression is that Elven Legacy is little more than a re-wrapped Fantasy Wars with new units, new storyline and improved graphics. There is nothing wrong with that, however, as the game offers solid, good fun for any fan of strategy in a fantasy setting. Still, it might have been interesting to see some more ambition from the developers: bigger maps, larger armies, supply routes etc. that would take the game more towards being a real strategy game. The main story is there merely to bind the individual battle maps together and offers little in the way of true penmanship. Above all, I would have liked to see more choices left to the player. Being able to just choose blindly between two optional routes on the main map from one encounter to the next is not really giving the player any choice.
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