Demigod Released Early, Minus DRM

A post by Stardock CEO Brad Wardell on the Impulse website brings word that Demigod should now be available for download by those of you who pre-ordered the game.
Sometime today all the beta accounts will be temporarily disabled as we move the beta version off of Impulse and replace it with the completed version of the game.

As a token of our appreciation, our intention is to come in the Monday after Easter and make the final version available to the beta group a little bit early.

Those of you who have been with us since the beginning can hopefully see just how much the game has evolved since the first beta. A great deal of the improvement to the game is due to the ideas, suggestions, and feedback from the beta group. I think we can all agree that without your input, the game would have been very different and not for the better.

On behalf of Stardock and Gas Powered Games, I'd like to thank all of you for your help. We look forward to hanging out on the forums with you listening to your continuing ideas and suggestions to see how Demigod can continue to evolve over the months and years ahead.

Thanks again and good luck!
That's a day earlier than the boxed retail copy's release date, which just so happens to be completely DRM free. I've already ordered a copy, but knowing that I'm supporting Stardock's commitment to DRM-free PC gaming just sweetens the deal.
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