Puzzle Quest: Galactrix Reviews
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The first is at ZTGameDomain with a score of 8.0/10:
Galactrix is a big game, more than your average downloadable offering and an engrossing blend of RPG and match three puzzling. The zero gravity board adds challenge and strategy, and the gameplay formula is so addictive and the quests so numerous that it is a difficult game to put down. Some audio blips and a take-it-or-leave-it story can't mar the fundamental draw of Puzzle Quest.
The second is at The Hachiko with a score of 1.5/5:
Puzzle Quest: Galactrix is one of the worst games I've played as of recent. It's not the fact that the game was hyped up and failed to reach its lofty goals it's just a crappy game. Cheap AI, an uneven difficulty ramp, shoddy controls, poor graphics, and barely audible music it does nothing well or even remotely average. It's an epic failure on the grandest scale.
The third is at Gamer Limit with a score of 7.5/10:
As a whole, Puzzle Quest: Galatrix is a very mediocre mix of the puzzle and RPG genres, a mix that heavily favors it's puzzle roots. The campaign seemed to drag on, and I was only able to finish it through sheer willpower; the plot had no sense of allurement, and became quickly dispensable. As a puzzle game, however, PQ:G is addicting and thought powered fun. If the developers spent the same amount of time was on plot and it's role-playing elements as they did on gameplay, PQ:G would be a masterful example of genre-blending. Online supports 2-4 players in a number of different puzzle modes, allowing for simple, yet addicting competitive online action. If packaged simply as a puzzle game with online multiplayer, Puzzle Quest: Galatrix would have been leagues better. But in order to be (innovative,) some risks need to be taken, but not all of them are destined to succeed.
The fourth is at GamersInfo with no score:
The elements are all here for a great story driven puzzle game. Some of the alien races are pretty interesting, and the characters are actually fleshed out in detail. However, the actual gameplay ranges from excruciating at worst to mediocre at best and never quite finds the fun. As a book, I would probably pick this one up. As a game, the phasers are set to Bland.
And the fifth is at 411mania with a score of 7.6/10:
You're not going to be blown away by the graphics, the writing, the sound, or even the plot, but that's not why you play Puzzle Quest , anyway. You play because you it will consume your soul and devour entire days' worth of free time without you ever really noticing or putting up much of a fuss. And that Galactrix does very, very well.