Mass Effect 2 E3 Previews
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The first is at IncGamers:
Shepard will be investigating the sudden disappearance of humans from around the galaxy, which is widely believed to be a suicide mission. Aiming to prove them wrong, the majority of the game looks to focus around him recruiting, equipping, and gaining the loyalty of some of the most dangerous characters around it's a (high-action descent into the most brutal parts of the universe,) says Hudson. While doing so, Shepard's going to be working with the mysterious Cerberus group, and there's a new power in play in the galaxy too. On top of that the Reapers the giant biomechanical monstrosities that almost destroyed all life in the first game may have been defeated but are far from gone, and still exist out there. We've been warned not to forget this.
The second is at RandomNPC
The demo next showed off some of the much-needed and much-welcomed combat changes. The player actually has control over party members. Instead of just telling them to fall back, you can now command them to move to a certain point and use a certain ability. In this case, the player directed a party member to move near an enemy's cover and yank him out with Lift. Shepard then fired a heavy weapon on the enemy as he sailed overhead. You could do that in Mass Effect, but only when your party members felt like it. Being able to do that at will is very thrilling.
The third is at GayGamer
One vaguely spoilerriffic cinematic (that was nevertheless epic to watch) showed the Normandy cracking apart under heavy fire. Unwilling to leave the handicapable Joker to his fate, Shepard made his way through the space-exposed deck of the ship to rescue his wise-cracking pilot. Meanwhile a character that looked like Ashley Williams died violently, and Shepard himself ended up floating off into space, heading toward planetfall as his body drifted toward the massive orbital body nearby.
And the fourth is at Aeropause
Also, Bioware has done something no other game developer has tried on the 360 or any other console for that matter, and that is importing game data from the first Mass Effect to continue your game in the second Mass Effect. All the decisions you have made will factor into that import, so if you have killed Kaiden or Ashley in the first game, they will still be dead in Mass Effect 2. This is an amazing feat if Bioware can pull it off, as it goes far beyond just importing your character data, which has been done in several computer games in the past. This takes key decisions into factor as well, which has to be a huge task for Bioware to program in all those options. I did not ask about whether you can import multiple characters that you have played through, but I would assume that if it works for one, it works for all.