Divinity Wednesday #9
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1007
In Divinity II, character creation is but the tip of the iceberg. It is on the road that true progression is made. Free to upgrade your stats as you see fit and to choose the skills that suit your style, you can create the very Dragon Knight you would want to be. The liberating beauty of this classless system is that you can customise your character so that it can tackle every situation the enemy throws ast you.
Do you find that you, armed with your trusty bow, can approach every creature with impunity out in the woods, but that you are having trouble surviving down in deep fiend-filled caverns? Simply invest some points in strength, whip out a whirlwind attack and you're set! But you have an acute aversion of melee weapons you say? No problem: assign a skill point to one of the various summoning spells available and let an undead abomination take care of the messy bits. The possibilities are quite endless.
This process of progression and customisation is not limited to combat alone, but is equally important during Divinity II's many stories and quests, because you decide how you want to approach any given situation. if you're prepared to live with the consequences. It is entirely up to you to regard the peoples of Rivellon as honest citizens in need of a hero, or naïve simpletons that obliviously line up ready to be exploited. Every path has its own rewards and you will reap just what you sow.