IncGamers' Best of E3 Awards
Category: News ArchiveHits: 898
As it's BioWare, I'm going to give this the benefit of the doubt and hope that everything I've seen is some sort of cynical marketing ploy because if this is all they have, they're in trouble. The use of a Marilyn Manson track in the trailer raised an eyebrow, the emphasis on sex and violence is embarrassing, the voice acting was cringe worthy, and the dialogue was frequently juvenile. While it's got some nice ideas, like your relationships with your party members granting buffs, right now it looks to be shaping up as a version of The Witcher only without the tongue-in-cheek, over-the-top attitude which made that game endearing. Considering that Dragon Age was conceived as the return to a proper Baldur's Gate-style RPG, these apparent attempts to pander to a teenage audience are contemptible and deeply, deeply worrying. I don't have a problem with dark fantasy. I have a problem with dark fantasy done wrong.