Star Wars: The Old Republic Class Speculation
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Slicer (Sith Empire / Galactic Republic)
Fans of the Expanded Universe would love to see a slicer in The Old Republic. The best real world comparison to a slicer would be a hacker, or more appropriately, the Hollywood version of hackers. Slicers often lived double lives, having different identities and selling information. Armed with a datapad and technical know-how, a slicer can get you the information you need, or into areas otherwise inaccessible.
Most examples of slicers are found in the Expanded Universe, but they received a subtle mention from Mon Mothma in Return of the Jedi with the line "Many Bothans died to bring us this information." Bothan spies are notorious for being excellent slicers. This class would be a sure fan favorite if announced for The Old Republic.
Unfortunately, there aren't too many practical applications for a slicer's skills in your everyday combat situation, so I don't see this as a likely class to appear in the game. Perhaps, like Smugglers in Star Wars Galaxies, the gameplay options will be available through a feat tree, but hopefully unlike Star Wars Galaxies, that slicer gameplay won't amount ridiculously "slicing" gear to upgrade for players. Slicer gameplay would make excellent sense for a Sith Spy / Imperial Intelligence Agent as well. At the very least, expect slicer companions. Atton Rand, a companion character in Knights of the Old Republic II was also a slicer.