DDO: Eberron Unlimited Preliminary Patch Notes
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DDO Release Notes: DDO Unlimited Sneak Peek
Welcome to the Sneak Peek Release Notes for Dungeons & Dragons Online! These release notes were posted Wednesday, June 24th, 2009. These release notes are subject to additions and changes.
News & Notes
Of Special Note:
Welcome to Level 20!
The level cap has been increased to 20! Experience is now capped at 1,900,000 points! Discover more abilities, feats, enhancements for your character!
New Class: Favored Soul
Favored Souls draw on divine magic to both heal and destroy. Like clerics, Favored Souls have access to powerful healing spells, but they are also more skilled with weapons than any other spell caster. Like sorcerers, they get a larger number of spell points than other spell casters but cannot freely switch spells at taverns or rest shrines. Players will be able to unlock the Favored Soul by reaching 2500 total favor on a character or by purchasing it in the DDO Store! To learn more about Favored Soul features, be sure to check the class abilities and enhancement sections of these release notes!
New Adventure Packs
The Devils of Shavarath
The Twelve is now seeking volunteers willing to be teleported to the plane of Shavarath to face the Devil legions. With the help of the Yugoloth, heroes from Stormreach can infiltrate the Devil territories and work to drive back this extraplanar threat to keep the home world of Eberron safe!
- Brave treacherous Devil territory, where the sky is scorched by billowing smoke, and warfare covers the ground like a rolling prairie made of broken bone and arrow shafts.
- Infiltrate the devil fortresses to divide their efforts by letting in the invading Demon Horde.
- Navigate mazes of Devil prisons, treacherous traps, and fiendish foes.
- Help the Twelve to unleash a deadly weapon to turn the tides of war.
- Aid other heroes of Eberron struggling against the powers of Shavarath.
- Cast the Devil General Horoth down from his seat of power in the Shavarath Army.
The Sharn Syndicate: Crimewave
Coin Lord Yorrick Amanatu, who controls the Stormreach Guard, wants players to help him eliminate the growing Sharn Syndicate presence in Stormreach. This lower-level adventure takes place right in the Stormreach marketplace.
New Free Adventures
Cerulean Hills
Two new adventures have been added to the Cerulean Hills wilderness area. Can you aid the residents of the Cerulean Hills as they face danger from hostile natives of Xen'drik?
Chat Improvements
Enjoy being a part of the larger community and getting connected with other players, thanks to the following all new chat features!
- You can now communicate with other players from across instances and dungeons in general chat! All public spaces, interiors, and dungeons now associate with their nearest public zone for general chat, including multiple instances. Example: If you're in the Lordsmarch Bank, you can still talk with players in all instances of the Marketplace. Freeing Arlos in the Waterworks? You can still chat with players in the harbor! If you're not in the mood to chat you can filter general in your chat tabs, or turn it off entirely under Options-Gameplay.
- Two new default chat channels have been added: Trade and Advice!
- Use /trade or /tr to discuss your in-game trades with other players!
- Use /advice or /a to seek help from (or offer help to) other players!
- You can view the Trade and Advice channels while questing or inside interior spaces, just like general chat!
- Not in the mood to chat? You can disable these channels manually in your chat window, or under Options->Gameplay.
- To help curb spam and abuse of chat, tell, and the mail system, an anti-spam feature has been added that will prompt you to wait if you are sending too many messages out too quickly or to too many people at once.
- Added the ability to select the font size for chat.
- Guild MotD's will now be displayed to members general chat windows when it is changed and when they log in.
- Messages from the Dungeon Master are no longer tagged as coming from 'DM Text'. Now they are coming from the 'Dungeon Master'.
We hope you enjoy sharing game knowledge and socializing with the new chat options!
Guild Improvements
- If you are a guild officer with recruitment permissions, you can now create a Guild Recruitment Sigil! This special item can then be mailed to anyone you like to allow them to join your guild. Access this feature by typing "/guild recruitsigil" in the chat window.
- The amount of characters you can use for the guild message of the day has been expanded. Guild MotD's will now be displayed to members general chat windows when it is changed and when they log in.
Marketplace Remodeling
The Coin Lords have completed their beautification project in the Stormreach Marketplace! The once desolated Market has been restored to its days as a center for trade, entertainment, and welcome to all who come to Stormreach!
Dave Arneson Tribute
A tribute to Dave Arneson has been placed in the Ruins of Threnal NPC area, as this dungeon series was narrated by him. A new item, the Mantle of the Worldshaper, drops at the end of the Threnal series.
- Mantle of the Worldshaper Item: A comforting and inspiring presence surrounds you as you hold this cloak. Arcane runes run along the edges of this fine cape, and masterfully drawn on the silken lining is an incredibly detailed map of a place named 'Blackmoor'.
- Gives 5% boost to XP (does not stack with Voice of the Master)
- Set Bonus with Voice of the Master: True Seeing persistent buff
Capstone Enhancements
Module 9 introduces a large number of Prestige Enhancements as well as a new class of Enhancements called "Capstone Enhancements". Capstone Enhancements require 20 levels of a class, and a character can have only one Capstone Enhancement at a time. We have given one Capstone Enhancement to each class in Module 9, but in the future it is likely that more will be created. Take a look at the available Capstones by clicking here!
Smart Targeting & Combat Feedback
Introducing our new smart targeting system! In conjunction with a number of UI changes, the smart targeting system is intended to aid in the selection of nearby items, interactable objects, and enemies.
Any target actively selected (either by clicking on it, tabbing to it, or using any other method of selection) is considered a "hard" target. These behave exactly as targets do currently. You can press the escape key to clear your hard target, just as you could before these changes. Hard targets can be identified by the double ring around their feet and a bolder name.
Using the smart targeting system, if you do not have a hard target, a "soft" target will be selected. Monsters within close range are taken as a priority over items and interactables, with selection weighted towards objects that are closer to you and towards the middle of the screen. Most spells and attacks will be aimed at your soft target, but area of effect direction spells (such as fireball) will be fired in the direction you are facing, as if you did not have a target selected. If you move your mouse over a target, your soft target will shift to that one.
If a creature that is a hard target becomes untargetable for a few moments due to incorporeality or teleportation, you will retarget them when they are available again if they are not invalid for more than a few seconds.
In some situations, you may not want to have a close target selected (such as when using ranged weapons). You can use the G key to toggle the smart targeting system on or off.
Significant improvements have also been made to combat damage feedback.
- It is now easier to tell when monsters are immune, resistant, or vulnerable to a form of damage, and which number corresponds to what damage type.
- Not only will enemies display damage numbers, but you can see damage being dealt to yourself as well.
- By default, damage is now red, while healing is green.
- You can even customize the color of your combat feedback numbers.
UI Improvements
- You can now share quests with your party from your quest journal, which will grant the quest to your friends. There are some quests that cannot be shared.
- Added a "Loot All" button to take all items from a treasure chest.
- When you hover over an item from a vendor, chest or quest reward, you get a tooltip with item info. If the item is something that you can equip, and you currently have something equipped of the same category, you will see an additional tooltip comparing the items.
- A health bar will float over the heads of targeted allies and enemies. This option can be toggled on or off using the options panel.
- The last three maps you visited will be darkened for areas you recently explored instead of being completely black.
- The names of nearby items and usable interactables are now visible when you are within very close range of the object.
- Orien Lightning Post mailboxes are no longer off-center in the focus orb.
- Items with spells (clickies) will once again display spell information in the tooltip when you mouse over them.
- The guild UI will respond correctly when you are in Mouse-Look mode.
- When disabling party member map notes, the party members already on the map will disappear.
- Added the ability to use drag-and-drop and double-click on the Enhancement Selection screen.
- The level advancement UI summary screen layout has been changed to be more readable
- The yellow highlight around items will no longer 'stick' if you mouse over a clickable item or weapon set on a locked toolbar.
- Mail attachments that are in stacks (potions, scrolls, etc) of more than one will properly show the number in the stack.
- Mouse-wheel scrolling now works in the Who tab of the social panel.
- The "name already taken" dialog in character generation can no longer be lost at the edges of the screen.
- Requests by players to join your group will appear in the current chat window you have selected, not just the default window.
- Unseen targets should no longer cause the targeting reticule to change when the mouse goes over them.
- Shrines and chest icons will now appear on maps.
- The recommended group size is now shown in the quest journal
- Vendor map notes now also include their title
- The following mapnotes now have tooltips:
- Yourself
- The direction arrow pointing to a selected mapnote
- The direction arrow pointing to party members
- All suitable icons from the full sized focus orb UI have been added to the minimized version.
- A new harassment report feature has been added to chat. Right click on a players name in the chat box and you will see the new option. Players reported for harassment will now be squelched.
- Modified color picker so that player can choose various shades of grey as the color of UI text
- Dropping an item from the bank into empty space no longer pops up a meaningless pop up window (you simply cannot drop stuff from your bank)
- The messages that come up when you can not group with another player, due to their current status in the Korthos Village quest chain, are now much more explicit.
- Menu Bar Icons have been updated
- NPC's that bind your spirit are now called 'Spirit Binders'
- Tooltips in Character Generation in the 'Appearance' page are displayed correctly.
- The scrollbar for Weapon Sets no longer covers a portion of the weapon set.
- Quests in the quest journal are now organized into logical groupings.
- The 'stats' tab in Character Generation refreshes each time you enter the 'Race' screen and select a race, to make sure the 'stats' are always correct.
- All anonymous players except for the party leader will now appear as "Anonymous" in LFM tooltips. The party leader will have their real name appear in the listing.
- The enhancement chooser UI should display your enhancement choices much faster now, especially at higher levels.
- Many improvements have been made to the city and regional maps.
- The Use and Examine buttons are now available on the minimized version of the focus orb.
Combat Improvements
- To address issues of player dissatisfaction with a high rate of missed attacks and to balance high AC numbers among characters, the "grazing hit" system applies some damage to players and monsters on attacks that would otherwise have missed if the number rolled on the die is high enough. To read more about this change, click here!
- Shield blocking has been made more responsive following attacks.
- Wands can now be activated using the "attack" button. Autoattack does not autofire wands, though click-and-hold attacking will activate the wand each time the cooldown is up.
- Archers and spellcasting opponents now have improved mental abilities, and will no longer occasionally run headfirst forever into walls.
- Ability damage now regenerates at a rate of 1 point of each ability score per minute.
- Negative levels fade at a rate of 1 per 2 minutes.
- Being reduced to 0 constitution will no longer kill players or monsters. They will be stunned for a short period of time and then behave as if they had been reduced to 0 in any other ability score. (Automatic criticals, etc.) This change applies to all ability scores - for example, Shadows will no longer kill you if your strength is reduced to 0, though you will continue to spawn a shadow if you die while under the effects of their touch.
- Red named bosses can now be affected by up to 10 points of ability damage in each ability score, this cannot drop them below 1 in an ability score.
Graphics Improvements
- Players with DX10 capable hardware will now receive a one-time pop up asking if they wish to enable DX10 graphics.
- Several water effects were updated to display properly in DX10 mode. No more red water in Three Barrel Cove.
- The rendering engine has been updated so that you should no longer be missing deco objects when entering taverns or dungeons, and teleporting to new spaces.
- While using DX10 graphics settings, hidden monsters will no longer cast a shadow.
- Both players and monsters will now twitch when they are hit in combat.
- The knockdown animation for male and female dwarves has been updated.
- All references to 'Beta' relating to DX10 have been removed.
Hireling Improvements
- Hirelings have gotten better about using levers and switches.
- Hirelings are less likely to go brain dead now.
- A low level hireling vendor has been added to Korthos Village.
- Hirelings will be more likely to use Mneumonic enhancement potions when they have low SP, if they happen to be carrying them.
- Hireling barbarians and sorcerers will no longer get so obsessed with out of reach crates and barrels that they ignore you.
- Hirelings will heal party members who really need it, even when they are in aggressive mode.
- Higher level hirelings no longer have Cure Light Wounds as one of the spells you can select in their hot bar. They still have it in their spell list.
- A rune in the Waterworks has been moved to allow Hirelings to better access it.
- Ever have a hireling skip out on you in the middle of a quest? The Coin Lords have worked out a few contract disputes and hirelings will now stick with you in a quest until you release them.
- Hireling tools bars now show cool downs for their abilities.
New Spells
- Acid Spray
- Sor/Wiz 1
- Description: A cone of burning acid shoots forth, damaging targets in the area of the spray for 1d4 damage per caster level (max 5d4). A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half.
- Chain Missiles
- Sor/Wiz 3
- Description: A missile of magical energy darts forth and unerringly strikes its target inflicting 1d4+1 force damage. For every 2 caster levels beyond first you gain an additional missile, up to 10 missiles. After striking your target, the missiles explode outwards, striking other creatures near the primary target.
- Charm Monster, Mass
- Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 8
- Description: A group of enemy monsters are charmed and will fight as trusted friends and allies. Charmed monsters get additional saves every 3d6+12 seconds. A successful Will save negates this effect.
- Dominate Monster
- Sor/Wiz 9
- Description: Telepathically controls the actions of an enemy, causing it to change sides. Dominate acts like Charm, with additional Will saves every 3d6+12 seconds, but the creature will follow you throughout the dungeon.
- Energy Drain
- Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9
- Description: A black ray of crackling negative energy suppresses the life force of any living creature it strikes, granting an enemy 2d4 negative levels. If the target has as many negative levels as its hit dice or levels, it dies. Each negative level gives a creature a -1 penalty on attack rolls, saves, skill checks, ability checks, and effective level. Negative levels stack.
- Heal, Mass
- Clr 9
- Description: Casts Heal on multiple targets. Channels powerful positive energy into allies to wipe away injury and afflictions, restore 10 hit points per caster level (max 250hp), and remove ability damage and the conditions blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, and poisoned. Against undead this spell acts as Harm. Undead who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half.
- Hold Monster, Mass
- Sor/Wiz 9
- Description: Hold Monster on multiple targets. Affected enemies become paralyzed and can take no actions for a maximum of 6 seconds per caster level. The enemy may attempt to make a new Will save every 3 seconds.
- Implosion
- Clr 9
- Description: You create a destructive resonance field around you, causing nearby corporeal enemies to collapse in upon themselves, killing them instantly. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect. Every few seconds, an enemy within your aura will be affected by this spell, but you are free to perform other actions while it is active.
- Meteor Swarm
- Sor/Wiz 9
- Description: Causes four 2-foot-diameter spheres to spring forth and streak in straight lines toward a target, leaving fiery trails of sparks. The meteors explode on impact, dealing fire damage to targets in the area. Unlike most other projectile spells, the caster can arc these meteors if they have no target selected.
- Mordenkainen's Disjunction
- Sor/Wiz 9
- Description: A powerful force disrupts magical effects on the target, removing ongoing spells that have been cast on a target. You must make a caster level check of 1d20 + your caster level (no maximum) versus 11 + the spell's caster level to remove a spell effect, and your target must make a Will save for each equipped item or all magical properties on them are temporarily disabled.
- Power Word: Kill
- Sor/Wiz 9
- Description: A single word of power is uttered, instantly killing a target creature with 300 or fewer hit points.
- Prismatic Ray
- Sor/Wiz 5
- Description: A brilliant ray of multicolored light projects from your finger, blinding weak targets and producing one or more random effects.
- Prismatic Spray
- Sor/Wiz 7
- Description: A brilliant cone of multicolored light projects from your finger, blinding weak targets and producing one or more random effects.
- Repair Critical Damage, Mass
- Sor/Wiz 8
- Description: Transmutes the structure of living construct allies to repair 4d8 +1 per caster level damage.
- Repair Light Damage, Mass
- Sor/Wiz 8
- Description: Transmutes the structure of living construct allies to repair 4d8 +1 per caster level damage.
- Repair Moderate Damage, Mass
- Sor/Wiz 6
- Description: Transmutes the structure of living construct allies to repair 2d8 +1 per caster level damage.
- Repair Serious Damage, Mass
- Sor/Wiz 7
- Description: Transmutes the structure of living construct allies to repair 3d8 +1 per caster level damage.
- Summon Monster IX
- Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9
- Description: Summons a hezrou to fight for you for a brief time. Casting this spell locks out casting any other Summon Monster spell for 5 minutes.
- True Resurrection
- Clr 9
- Description: Resurrects the target, restores all of the target's hit points, and preserves current spell points.
- Wail of the Banshee
- Sor/Wiz 9
- Description: A terrible scream kills creatures who hear it. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect.
General Spell Changes
- You may now drag and drop spells onto already memorized spells in the character sheet in order to unprepare the already memorized spell and memorize the new spell.
- The Chill effect icon of the Chill Touch spell has been modified to reflect necromancy instead of cold.
- Ablative protection spells (such as Stoneskin or Protection from Elements) are no longer affected by the Extend metamagic.
- Burning Blood is now properly negated on a successful save.
- The 'blind' effect of Sunburst is not applied on a successful reflex save.
- Ram's Might now functions as described.
- The Contagion spell can no longer be maximized or empowered. Previously, it was charging additional spell points if these metamagics were active but they did not do anything.
- Dominated creatures now appear with blue spell effects, and will follow their master through dungeons. Charmed monsters now tend to remain in the room which they were charmed in.
- Waves of exhaustion now will properly hit enemies when no target is selected. The visual effects now also appear correctly.
- As it is of "permanent" duration, Stalwart Pact can no longer be affected by the Extend Spell metamagic.
- If you die, and are offered and accept a resurrection before the "You have died" dialog button is available, and you die again very quickly, the death dialog button will no longer be stuck grayed out. This commonly occurred when players were standing in lava.
- The duration of all temporary spell damage amplification boost potions and click-able treasure effects has been increased from 30 seconds to 3 minutes.
- The Bezekira that you can summon with the Summon Monster 8 spell has been upgraded to be a bit more effective and to last somewhat longer in battle.
- The durations of Bladesworn Transformation, Divine Favor, Flare, Focusing Chant, and Resistance have been changed to 24 seconds plus 6 seconds per caster level.
- The Cloudkill spell has gained additional effects: "A bank of heavy yellowish green and poisonous fog rises up, slaying weak targets within the cloud while inflicting 1d4 Constitution damage on stronger targets, and 2d6 damage +1 per caster level (max 20) of acid damage. Successful Fortitude saves reduces the Constitution and Acid damage by half. This fog obscures sight, giving all creatures in the fog concealment (attackers have 20% miss chance). Creatures immune to poison are undamaged by this spell."
- The spells Summon Monster VI through VIII have had their cooldowns reduced to five minutes. This affects scrolls and other sources of generating these creatures as well.
- Acid Splash, Finger of Fire, and Ray of Frost now deal 1d3 + Caster Level (Max +5) damage of the appropriate flavor.
- High level Summoned Monster spells (those of level 5 or higher) now last five minutes, and have an appropriately shorter cooldown.
Skills, Feats, & Abilities
New Feats & Abilities
- Tireless Rage
- Prerequisites: Level 17 Barbarian
- Benefit: Upon reaching level 17, a barbarian is no longer fatigued after raging.
- Mighty Rage
- Prerequisites: Level 20 Barbarian
- Benefit: Upon reaching level 20, a barbarian's rage grows stronger. When raging, your base bonus to Strength and Constitution are increased to +8 and your morale bonus to Will saves is increased to +4.
- Dismiss Charm
- Prerequisites: Level 1 Bard, Sorcerer, or Wizard
- Benefit: Activate this short-ranged ability while targeting a charmed, commanded, controlled, or dominated enemy that is under your control to dispel the controlling effect.
- Mass Suggestion
- Prerequisites: Level 18 Bard, 21 ranks of Perform
- Benefit: Activate this bard ability to charm multiple fascinated foes for a short time. Requires 21 ranks of the Perform skill to use.
- Improved Inspire Courage (+3)
- Prerequisites: Level 20 Bard
- Benefit: Your inspire courage now gives an additional +3 bonus to attack, damage, and fear saves.
Favored Soul
- Favored by the Silver Flame
- Prereq: Level 1 Favored Soul
- Effect: You are a favored soul of the Silver Flame. You are considered proficient with longbows.
- Favored by the Sovereign Host
- Prereq: Level 1 Favored Soul
- Effect: You are a favored soul of the Sovereign Host. You are considered proficient with longswords.
- Favored by the Lord of Blades
- Prereq: Level 1 Favored Soul; Warforged Only
- Effect: You are a favored soul of the Lord of Blades. You are considered proficient with greatswords.
- Favored by the Undying Court
- Prereq: Level 1 Favored Soul; Elf Only
- Effect: You are a favored soul of the Undying Court. You are considered proficient with scimitars.
- Favored by Vulkoor
- Prereq: Level 1 Favored Soul; Elf Only
- Effect: You are a favored soul of Vulkoor. You are considered proficient with shortswords.
- Child of the Silver Flame
- Prereq: Level 3 Favored Soul; Favored by the Silver Flame
- Effect: You are a favored soul of the Silver Flame. You have +1 to attack rolls with longbows.
- Child of the Sovereign Host
- Prereq: Level 3 Favored Soul; Favored by the Sovereign Host
- Effect: You are a favored soul of the Sovereign Host. You have +1 to attack rolls with longswords.
- Child of the Lord of Blades
- Prereq: Level 3 Favored Soul; Favored by the Lord of Blades
- Effect: You are a favored soul of the Lord of Blades. You have +1 to attack rolls with greatswords.
- Child of the Undying Court
- Prereq: Level 3 Favored Soul; Favored by the Undying Court
- Effect: You are a favored soul of the Undying Court. You have +1 to attack rolls with scimitars.
- Child of Vulkoor
- Prereq: Level 3 Favored Soul; Favored by Vulkoor
- Effect: You are a favored soul of Vulkoor. You have +1 to attack rolls with shortswords.
- Beloved of the Silver Flame
- Prereq: Level 12 Favored Soul; Child of the Silver Flame
- Effect: You are a favored soul of the Silver Flame. You deal 2 extra damage with longbows.
- Beloved of the Sovereign Host
- Prereq: Level 12 Favored Soul; Child of the Sovereign Host
- Effect: You are a favored soul of the Sovereign Host. You deal 2 extra damage with longswords.
- Beloved of the Lord of Blades
- Prereq: Level 12 Favored Soul; Child of the Lord of Blades
- Effect: You are a favored soul of the Lord of Blades. You deal 2 extra damage with greatswords.
- Beloved of the Undying Court
- Prereq: Level 12 Favored Soul; Child of the Undying Court
- Effect: You are a favored soul of the Undying Court. You deal 2 extra damage with scimitars.
- Beloved of Vulkoor
- Prereq: Level 12 Favored Soul; Child of Vulkoor
- Effect: You are a favored soul of Vulkoor. You deal 2 extra damage with shortswords.
- Energy Resistance: Acid
- Prereq: Level 5, 10, or 15 Favored Soul
- Effect: You gain Acid Resistance: 10.
- Energy Resistance: Cold
- Prereq: Level 5, 10, or 15 Favored Soul
- Effect: You gain Cold Resistance: 10.
- Energy Resistance: Electricity
- Prereq: Level 5, 10, or 15 Favored Soul
- Effect: You gain Electricity Resistance: 10.
- Energy Resistance: Fire
- Prereq: Level 5, 10, or 15 Favored Soul
- Effect: You gain Fire Resistance: 10.
- Energy Resistance: Sonic
- Prereq: Level 5, 10, or 15 Favored Soul
- Effect: You gain Sonic Resistance: 10.
- Leap of Faith
- Prereq: Level 17 Favored Soul
- Effect: You are able to leap through the air to bring the fight to your enemies or traverse chasms that make normal adventurers balk. Using this ability costs 5 spell points.
- Timeless Body
- Prerequisites: Level 17 Monk
- Benefit: Your soul is balanced. No corrupt influences can possess your body after death - you are immune to the spawn effect of most undead.
- Empty Body
- Prerequisites: Level 19 Monk
- Benefit: You are able to focus your ki and walk the edge of the Plane of Shadow, mimicking the effects of a Shadow Walk spell. While this effect is active, you move much faster than normal and your outline appears faint and you are harder to hit. Attacking another creature or otherwise interacting with objects shunts you back to the Material Plane
- Perfect Self
- Prerequisites: Level 20 Monk
- Benefit: You have transcended your former race, and are now considered a Lawful Outsider. You have gained damage reduction 10 / epic. Warforged retain most living construct traits.
- Perfect Slow Fall
- Prerequisites: Level 20 Monk
- Benefit: You take no damage from falls of any height.
- Hide in Plain Sight
- Prerequisites: Level 17 Ranger
- Benefit: You are a master when it comes to hiding in places others think impossible. At all times while sneaking, conditions are treated as two 'eyes' better - you can hide even in plain daylight, and it takes opponents longer to detect you.
- Fifth Favored Enemy
- Prerequisites: Level 20 Ranger
- Benefit: A ranger receives a damage bonus when fighting certain foes. The bonus starts at +2, and increases every five ranger levels.
- Special Ability
- Prerequisites: Level 19 Rogue
- Benefit: A rogue may select Crippling Strike, Defensive Roll, Improved Evasion, Skill Mastery (selectable multiple times), or Slippery Mind.
- Dismiss Charm
- Prerequisites: Level 1 Bard, Sorcerer, or Wizard
- Benefit: Activate this short-ranged ability while targeting a charmed, commanded, controlled, or dominated enemy that is under your control to dispel the controlling effect.
- Dismiss Charm
- Prerequisites: Level 1 Bard, Sorcerer, or Wizard
- Benefit: Activate this short-ranged ability while targeting a charmed, commanded, controlled, or dominated enemy that is under your control to dispel the controlling effect.
- Bonus Metamagic Feat
- Prerequisites: Level 20 Wizard
- Benefit: A wizard may select Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Eschew Materials, Extend Spell, Heighten Spell, Maximize Spell, or Quicken Spell.
General Feat & Ability Changes
- Having the 'Protection from Evil' buff active on your character, either cast from a spell of from an item such as the 'Fragment of the Silver Flame', and wearing a lower level deflection bonus item (like a +1 Ring of Protection) will no longer cause your AC to be -51914412. Additionally, rangers where a deflection bonus item will no longer have their AC as -51914412 to their favored enemies.
- Ability damage now regenerates at a rate of 1 point per minute. Negative levels now regenerate at a rate of 1 level every 2 minutes.
- Critically failing on disabling certain trap boxes can result in a spray of acid!
- It is no longer possible to accidentally end up with multiple monk stances active simultaneously.
- Monks with the Two Weapon Fighting chain of feats now gain additional attacks when fighting unarmed.
- Warforged no longer possess a "breath" bar when underwater.
- The Two Handed Fighting feat chain now also adds a small chance to apply magical weapon effects (such as "flaming" or "vorpal") to appropriate glancing blows produced by two handed weapon attacks.
- The Slicing Blow attack feat now deals 1 point of Constitution damage in addition to its bleed effect.
- The time between additional saves on monk dark path finishers has been increased.
- Players who have shield proficiency but do not have tower shield proficiency will now receive the correct warnings that they are not proficient with tower shields.
- Shield blocking has been made more responsive following attacks.
- Negative levels fade at a rate of 1 per 2 minutes.
- Being reduced to 0 constitution will no longer kill players or monsters. They will be stunned for a short period of time and then behave as if they had been reduced to 0 in any other ability score. (Automatic criticals, etc.) This change applies to all ability scores - for example, Shadows will no longer kill you if your strength is reduced to 0, though you will continue to spawn a shadow if you die while under the effects of their touch.
- Weapon subfeats now are no longer listed as just the weapon type in parentheses; they will be named things like "Weapon Focus: Longsword" instead of "(Longsword)". Prerequisite listings now make much more sense.
- Virtuoso Enthrallment now uses the Perform skill as its DC, is affected by Lingering Song effects, and instead of always breaking on damage, targets now have a chance to break the effect when damaged.
- Elven Melee Damage and Elven Melee Attack enhancements have been renamed Aerenal Elf Melee Damage and Aerenal Elf Melee Attack.
New Enhancements
Race Enhancements
- Elven Arcane Archer
- Conjure +4 Arrows
- Prerequisites: Level 17
- Benefit: Activate this ability to conjure a stack of +4 Returning Arrows.
- Conjure +5 Arrows
- Prerequisites: Level 20
- Benefit: Activate this ability to conjure a stack of +5 Returning Arrows.
- Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude I
- Prerequisites: Level 2 Warforged, Two Handed Fighting
- Cost: 1 Action Point
- Benefit: Glancing blows produced by your two handed weapon attacks have an increased chance of producing special weapon effects.
- Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude II
- Prerequisites: Level 8 Warforged, Improved Two Handed Fighting, Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude I
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: Glancing blows produced by your two handed weapon attacks have an increased chance of producing special weapon effects.
- Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude III
- Prerequisites: 14 Warforged, Greater Two Handed Fighting, Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude II
- Cost: 3 Action Points
- Benefit: Glancing blows produced by your two handed weapon attacks have an increased chance of producing special weapon effects.
- Valenar Elf Melee Damage I
- Prerequisites: Level 1 Elf, Weapon Proficiency: Falchion or Scimitar, Follower of the Undying Court, or Favored by the Undying Court; Must not have Aerenal Elf Melee Damage enhancements
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: Hailing from Valenar, you prefer curved blades to the straight weapons of the Aerenal elves. You gain an additional +1 bonus to damage rolls when using a scimitar or falchion.
- Valenar Elf Melee Damage II
- Prerequisites: Level 7 Elf, Valenar Elf Melee Damage I, 20 Action Points spent
- Cost: 4 Action Points
- Benefit: Hailing from Valenar, you prefer curved blades to the straight weapons of the Aerenal elves. You gain an additional +1 bonus to damage rolls when using a scimitar or falchion, bringing the total bonus to +2.
- Valenar Elf Melee Attack I
- Prerequisites: Level 4 Elf, Weapon Proficiency: Falchion or Scimitar, Follower of the Undying Court, or Favored by the Undying Court; Must not have Aerenal Elf Melee Attack enhancements
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: Hailing from Valenar, you prefer curved blades to the straight weapons of the Aerenal elves. You gain an additional +1 bonus to attack rolls when using a scimitar or falchion.
- Valenar Elf Melee Attack II
- Prerequisites: Level 10 Elf, Valenar Elf Melee Attack I, 32 Action Points spent
- Cost: 4 Action Points
- Benefit: Hailing from Valenar, you prefer curved blades to the straight weapons of the Aerenal elves. You gain an additional +1 bonus to attack rolls when using a scimitar or falchion, bringing the total bonus to +2.
Class Enhancements
- Cleric Divine Might IV
- Prerequisites:Lvl 20 Cleric, requires a 20 base Charisma.
- Benefit:Activate this ability to gain a +8 Sacred bonus to damage for one minute. Consumes a use of your turn undead ability.
- Favored Soul Wisdom I
- Benefit: Grants a +1 increase to your Wisdom score.
- Favored Soul Wisdom II
- Benefit: Grants an additional +1 to your Wisdom score.
- Favored Soul Energy of the Scion I
- Benefit: Grants a 30 point increase to spell points.
- Favored Soul Energy of the Scion II
- Benefit: Grants an additional 40 spell points, bringing your total increase to 70 points.
- Favored Soul Energy of the Scion III
- Benefit: Grants an additional 40 spell points, bringing your total increase to 110 points.
- Favored Soul Energy of the Scion IV
- Benefit: Grants an additional 40 spell points, bringing your total increase to 150 points.
- Favored Soul Charisma I
- Benefit: Grants a +1 increase to your Charisma score.
- Favored Soul Charisma II
- Benefit: Grants an additional +1 to your Charisma score.
- Favored Soul Charisma III
- Benefit: Grants an additional +1 to your Charisma score.
- Favored Soul Improved Empowering I
- Benefit: Using the Empower Spell feat costs you 2 fewer spell points.
- Favored Soul Improved Empowering II
- Benefit: Using the Empower Spell feat costs you 4 fewer spell points.
- Favored Soul Improved Empowering III
- Benefit: Using the Empower Spell feat costs you 6 fewer spell points.
- Favored Soul Improved Spell Penetration I
- Benefit: You add +1 to your level when attempting to overcome an enemy's spell resistance.
- Favored Soul Improved Spell Penetration II
- Benefit: You add +2 to your level when attempting to overcome an enemy's SR.
- Favored Soul Improved Spell Penetration III
- Benefit: You add +3 to your level when attempting to overcome an enemy's SR.
- Favored Soul Wand and Scroll Mastery I
- Benefit: Grants a 25% increase to the effectiveness of your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells.
- Favored Soul Wand and Scroll Mastery II
- Benefit: Grants an additional 10% increase to the effectiveness of your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, bringing the total increase to 35%.
- Favored Soul Wand and Scroll Mastery III
- Benefit: Grants an additional 10% increase to the effectiveness of your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, bringing the total increase to 45%.
- Favored Soul Wand and Scroll Mastery IV
- Benefit: Grants an additional 10% increase to the effectiveness of your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, bringing the total increase to 55%.
- Favored Soul Life Magic I
- Benefit: Grants a 10% increase to the effectiveness of your healing and negative energy spells.
- Favored Soul Life Magic II
- Benefit: Grants an additional 10% increase to the effectiveness of your healing and negative energy spells, bringing the total increase to 20%.
- Favored Soul Life Magic III
- Benefit: Grants an additional 10% increase to the effectiveness of your healing and negative energy spells, bringing the total increase to 30%.
- Favored Soul Life Magic IV
- Benefit: Grants an additional 10% increase to the effectiveness of your healing and negative energy spells, bringing the total increase to 40%.
- Favored Soul Prayer of Life I
- Benefit: Grants a 3% chance for your healing and negative energy spells to generate a critical result for 1.5 times the normal healing or damage amount. (Base spell critical chance is 0% and base critical damage multiplier is 1.5.)
- Favored Soul Prayer of Life II
- Benefit: Grants a 6% chance for your healing and negative energy spells to generate a critical result for 1.5 times the normal healing or damage amount.
- Favored Soul Prayer of Life III
- Benefit: Grants a 9% chance for your healing and negative energy spells to generate a critical result for 1.5 times the normal healing or damage amount.
- Favored Soul Prayer of Incredible Life I
- Benefit: Your healing and negative energy spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 0.25, bringing your base critical multiplier for these spells to 1.75.
- Favored Soul Prayer of Incredible Life II
- Benefit: Your healing and negative energy spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 0.25, bringing your base critical multiplier for these spells to 2.00.
- Favored Soul Prayer of Incredible Life III
- Benefit: Your healing and negative energy spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 0.25, bringing your base critical multiplier for these spells to 2.25.
- Favored Soul Smiting I
- Benefit: Grants a 10% increase to the effectiveness of your light and alignment based (good, evil, lawful, and chaotic) spells.
- Favored Soul Smiting II
- Benefit: Grants an additional 10% increase to the effectiveness of your light and alignment based (good, evil, lawful, and chaotic) spells, bringing the total increase to 20%.
- Favored Soul Smiting III
- Benefit: Grants an additional 10% increase to the effectiveness of your light and alignment based (good, evil, lawful, and chaotic) spells, bringing the total increase to 30%.
- Favored Soul Smiting IV
- Benefit: Grants an additional 10% increase to the effectiveness of your light and alignment based (good, evil, lawful, and chaotic) spells, bringing the total increase to 40%.
- Favored Soul Prayer of Smiting I
- Benefit: Grants a 3% chance for your light and alignment based (good, evil, lawful, and chaotic) spells to generate a critical hit for 1.5 times normal damage. (Base spell critical chance is 0% and base critical damage multiplier is 1.5.)
- Favored Soul Prayer of Smiting II
- Benefit: Grants a 6% chance for your light and alignment based (good, evil, lawful, and chaotic) spells to generate a critical hit for 1.5 times normal damage.
- Favored Soul Prayer of Smiting III
- Benefit: Grants a 9% chance for your light and alignment based (good, evil, lawful, and chaotic) spells to generate a critical hit for 1.5 times normal damage.
- Favored Soul Prayer of Incredible Smiting I
- Benefit: Your light and alignment based (good, evil, lawful, and chaotic) spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 0.25, bringing your base critical multiplier for these spells to 1.75.
- Favored Soul Prayer of Incredible Smiting II
- Benefit: Your light and alignment based (good, evil, lawful, and chaotic) spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 0.25, bringing your base critical multiplier for these spells to 2.00.
- Favored Soul Prayer of Incredible Smiting III
- Benefit: Your light and alignment based (good, evil, lawful, and chaotic) spell critical multipliers are increased by an additional 0.25, bringing your base critical multiplier for these spells to 2.25.
- Favored Soul Concentration I
- Benefit: Grants a +1 bonus to your Concentration skill.
- Favored Soul Concentration II
- Benefit: Grants an additional +1 bonus to your Concentration skill, bringing the total increase to 2.
- Favored Soul Concentration III
- Benefit: Grants an additional +1 bonus to your Concentration skill, bringing the total increase to 3.
- Favored Soul Concentration IV
- Benefit: Grants an additional +1 bonus to your Concentration skill, bringing the total increase to 4.
- Favored Soul Heal I
- Benefit: Grants a +1 bonus to your Heal skill.
- Favored Soul Heal II
- Benefit: Grants an additional +1 bonus to your Heal skill, bringing the total increase to 2.
- Favored Soul Heal III
- Benefit: Grants an additional +1 bonus to your Heal skill, bringing the total increase to 3.
- Favored Soul Heal IV
- Benefit: Grants an additional +1 bonus to your Heal skill, bringing the total increase to 4.
- Favored Soul Diplomacy I
- Benefit: Grants a +1 bonus to your Diplomacy skill.
- Favored Soul Diplomacy II
- Benefit: Grants an additional +1 bonus to your Diplomacy skill, bringing the total increase to 2.
- Favored Soul Diplomacy III
- Benefit: Grants an additional +1 bonus to your Diplomacy skill, bringing the total increase to 3.
- Favored Soul Diplomacy IV
- Benefit: Grants an additional +1 bonus to your Diplomacy skill, bringing the total increase to 4.
- Favored Soul Jump I
- Benefit: Grants a +1 bonus to your Jump skill.
- Favored Soul Jump II
- Grants an additional +1 bonus to your Jump skill, bringing the total increase to 2.
- Favored Soul Jump III
- Benefit: Grants an additional +1 bonus to your Jump skill, bringing the total increase to 3.
- Favored Soul Jump IV
- Benefit: Grants an additional +1 bonus to your Jump skill, bringing the total increase to 4.
- Silver Flame Exorcism
- Benefit: You are a devoted follower of the Silver Flame, and your faith has been rewarded. Activate this ability to attempt to exorcise an extraplanar creature, which is entirely consumed in holy fire on a failed Will save or savagely burned by the light of the Silver Flame. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage to half. The Save DC for this ability is 10 + Cleric Level + Charisma Modifier.
- Unyielding Sovereignty
- Benefit: You are a devoted follower of the Sovereign Host, and your faith has been rewarded. Activate this ability to fully heal hit point damage done to a targeted ally, remove ability damage, death penalty effects, negative levels, and the conditions blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, poisoned, and stunned.
- Undying Call
- Benefit: You are a devoted follower of the Undying Court, and your faith has been rewarded. Activate this ability to lead a dead ally's spirit back to this world, acting as a True Resurrection on high elven spirits or a Raise Dead for others.
- Bladesworn Transformation
- Benefit: You are a devoted follower of the Lord of Blades, and your faith has been rewarded. Activate this ability to become a juggernaut of destruction for 60 seconds.
- Vulkoor's Avatar
- Benefit: You are a devoted follower of Vulkoor the Hunter, and your faith has been rewarded. Activate this ability to ask Vulkoor to send one of his servants to destroy your enemies.
- Favored Soul Attack Boost I
- Benefit: Activate this ability to receive a +2 bonus to attack for 20 seconds.
- Favored Soul Damage Boost I
- Benefit: Activate this ability to receive a +2 bonus to weapon damage for 20 seconds.
- Favored Soul Saves Boost I
- Benefit: Activate this ability to receive a +2 bonus to saves for 20 seconds.
- Favored Soul Attack Boost II
- Benefit: Activate this ability to receive a +3 bonus to attack for 20 seconds.
- Favored Soul Damage Boost II
- Benefit: Activate this ability to receive a +3 bonus to weapon damage for 20 seconds.
- Favored Soul Saves Boost II
- Benefit: Activate this ability to receive a +3 bonus to saves for 20 seconds.
- Favored Soul Attack Boost III
- Benefit: Activate this ability to receive a +4 bonus to attack for 20 seconds.
- Favored Soul Damage Boost III
- Benefit: Activate this ability to receive a +4 bonus to weapon damage for 20 seconds.
- Favored Soul Saves Boost III
- Benefit: Activate this ability to receive a +4 bonus to saves for 20 seconds.
- Favored Soul Attack Boost IV
- Benefit: Activate this ability to receive a +5 bonus to attack for 20 seconds.
- Favored Soul Damage Boost IV
- Benefit: Activate this ability to receive a +5 bonus to weapon damage for 20 seconds.
- Favored Soul Saves Boost IV
- Benefit: Activate this ability to receive a +5 bonus to saves for 20 seconds.
- Favored Soul Extra Action Boost I
- Benefit: You can use each of your action boosts 1 additional time per rest.
- Favored Soul Extra Action Boost II
- Benefit: You can use each of your action boosts 1 additional time per rest, bringing the total increase to 2.
- Favored Soul Greatsword Specialization I
- Benefit: You gain an additional +1 bonus to damage rolls when using a Greatsword.
- Favored Soul Longbow Specialization I
- Benefit: You gain an additional +1 bonus to damage rolls when using a Longbow.
- Favored Soul Longsword Specialization I
- Benefit: You gain an additional +1 bonus to damage rolls when using a Longsword.
- Favored Soul Scimitar Specialization I
- Benefit: You gain an additional +1 bonus to damage rolls when using a Scimitar.
- Favored Soul Shortsword Specialization I
- Benefit: You gain an additional +1 bonus to damage rolls when using a Shortsword.
- Favored Soul Greatsword Specialization II
- Benefit: You gain an additional +1 bonus to damage rolls when using a Greatsword, for a total bonus of +2.
- Favored Soul Longbow Specialization II
- Benefit: You gain an additional +1 bonus to damage rolls when using a Longbow, for a total bonus of +2.
- Favored Soul Longsword Specialization II
- Benefit: You gain an additional +1 bonus to damage rolls when using a Longsword, for a total bonus of +2.
- Favored Soul Scimitar Specialization II
- Benefit: You gain an additional +1 bonus to damage rolls when using a Scimitar, for a total bonus of +2.
- Favored Soul Shortsword Specialization II
- Benefit: You gain an additional +1 bonus to damage rolls when using a Shortsword, for a total bonus of +2.
- Favored Soul Toughness I
- Benefit: Grants you 10 additional hit points if you have the Toughness feat.
- Favored Soul Toughness II
- Benefit: Grants you 10 additional hit points if you have the Toughness feat, bringing the total increase to 20 hit points.
- Favored Soul Toughness III
- Benefit: Grants you 10 additional hit points if you have the Toughness feat, bringing the total increase to 30 hit points.
- Favored Soul Toughness IV
- Benefit: Grants you 10 additional hit points if you have the Toughness feat, bringing the total increase to 40 hit points.
- Monk Grandmaster of Mountains
- Prerequisites: Level 18 Monk, Constitution 18
- Benefit: The mountain is eternal, as are you.
- Ultimate Mountain Stance: The mountain stance focuses on endurance and defense, granting increased Constitution, damage reduction, and improved blocking ability at the cost of reducing your Dexterity and movement speed. While in mountain stance, you generate Ki when struck by opponents. (+4 Blocking DR; DR 8/-; +1 Ki on Get Hit; +5 Ki on Get Crit; -2 Dex; +4 Con; -7% Run Speed)
- Strike of the Enduring IV: You strike an opponent, backed with the strength of the earth. Your attack deals 12 additional damage, and 3d6 acid damage on critical hits.
- Monk Grandmaster of Oceans
- Prerequisites: Level 18 Monk, Wisdom 18.
- Benefit: The sea is always in motion, as are you.
- Ultimate Ocean Stance: The ocean stance focuses on redirection and the supernatural, granting increased Wisdom and saves at the cost of decreased Strength. While in ocean stance, you receive a bonus to armor class while tumbling. (+8 AC when tumbling; +5 to Saves; -2 Str; +4 Wis)
- Flowing Water Strike IV: You strike an opponent, backed with the power of the sea. Your attack will deal 3d6 additional cold damage, with an additional 3d6 damage on critical hits.
- Monk Grandmaster of Storms
- Prerequisites: Level 18 Monk, Dexterity 18
- Benefit: The wind is untouchable, as are you.
- Ultimate Wind Stance: The wind stance focuses on movement, granting increased Dexterity and melee and thrown attack speed at the cost of reducing your Constitution while the stance is active. (15% Enhancement Bonus to attack speed; 10% Insight Bonus to attack speed; +4 Dex; -2 Con)
- Storm Strike IV: You strike an opponent, backed with the power of lightning. Your attack will deal 3d6 additional lightning damage, with an additional 3d6 damage on critical hits.
- Monk Grandmaster of the Sun
- Prerequisites: Level 18 Monk, Strength 18
- Benefit: The sun burns with an eternal fire, as do you.
- Ultimate Sun Stance: The sun stance focuses on an aggressive offense, granting increased Strength at the cost of decreased Wisdom. While in sun stance, you generate additional Ki when you successfully strike opponents. (+1 Ki on Hit; +5 Ki on Crit; +4 Str; -2 Wis)
- Fires of Purity IV: You strike an opponent, backed with the power of flame. Your attack will deal 3d6 additional fire damage, with an additional 3d6 damage on critical hits.
- Paladin Divine Might IV
- Prerequisites: Level 20 Paladin, Charisma 20
- Benefit:Activate this ability to gain a +8 Sacred bonus to damage for one minute. Consumes a use of your turn undead ability.
- Paladin Divine Sacrifice III
- Prerequisites: Level 19 Paladin
- Benefit:Giving up some of your life force to win the battle, you empower your next blow against your foe. This attack deals an additional 9d6 Light damage and increases the critical multiplier of your weapon by 1, but costs you 5 hp and 1 sp, whether or not the attack is successful.
- Paladin Exalted Smite IV
- Prerequisites: Level 18 Paladin
- Benefit: Using this attack, you call on the paladin's ability to strike down evil creatures, gaining twice your Charisma bonus to your attack roll, a damage bonus based on your paladin level, and +2 to your weapon's critical threat range and damage multiplier. This enhancement also decreases your cooldown between smites to 2 seconds.
- Paladin Redemption III
- Prerequisites: Level 19 Paladin
- Benefit: Activate this ability and expend one use of Lay on Hands to true resurrect the dead, returning your target to life at 100% health.
Capstone Enhancements
- Barbarian Might
- Prerequisites: Level 20 Barbarian, 74 Action points spent
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: Your biceps are frequently mistaken for slabs of ham. Your strength is increased by 2, and when wielding two handed weapons you have increased glancing blow damage and an increased chance of applying weapon special effects on glancing blows.
- Bard Musical Prodigy
- Prerequisites: Level 20 Bard, 74 Action points spent
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: You gain +2 Charisma, two additional uses of Bardic Music, as well as +2 to Spell Penetration checks and the DC's of your Enchantment spells. Your beneficial songs last 20% longer.
- Cleric Divine Intervention
- Prerequisites: Level 20 Cleric, 74 Action points spent
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: You are a strong conduit of positive energy, and can expend a turn attempt to ward your target for five minutes against mortal damage - hit point damage will not lower their hit point total below -9. If the target is knocked unconscious, this effect will heal the target after a few seconds and then fade.
- Favored Soul Ascendancy: Light of the Flame
- Benefit: Your faith in the Silver Flame allows you to produce a Searing Light effect at will.
- Favored Soul Ascendancy: Healing Word
- Benefit:Your faith in the Sovereign Host allows you to produce a Cure Light Wounds effect at will.
- Favored Soul Ascendancy: Voice of the Deathless
- Benefit:Your faith in the Undying Court allows you to produce a Command Undead effect at will.
- Favored Soul Ascendancy: Protection of the Blade
- Benefit:Your faith in the Lord of Blades allows you to produce a Shield effect at will.
- Favored Soul Ascendancy: Stealth of the Hunter
- Benefit:Your faith in Vulkoor the Hunter allows you to produce an Invisibility effect at will.
- Fighter Weapon Alacrity
- Prerequisites: Fighter level 20, 74 Action points spent
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: Your mastery with all weapons is such that you are able to attack faster than normal. Grants a 10% Competence bonus to attack speed with all combat styles.
- Monk Serenity
- Prerequisites: Level 20 Monk, 74 Action points spent
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: You are a paragon of understanding and serenity. Your Concentration is increased by 10 and your centered ki generation is increased by 1.
- Paladin Weapons of Good
- Prerequisites: Level 20 Paladin, 74 Action points spent
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: Any weapon you wield is considered Good aligned for purposes of bypassing damage reduction, deal 1d6 additional holy damage against all evil opponents and an additional 2d6 light damage against evil undead or evil outsiders.
- Ranger Master of Archery
- Prerequisites: Level 20 Ranger, 74 Action points spent
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: The speed at which you can fire any ranged weapon is legendary.
- Rogue Cheat Death
- Prerequisites: Level 20 Rogue, 74 Action points spent
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: A master rogue can defy even death if their luck holds out. You have a chance of self-resurrection should you die, but this chance drops each time you die between rests. Maruts have a particular dislike for you.
- Sorcerer Power Surge
- Prerequisites: Sorcerer Level 20, 74 Action points spent
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: All of your damage dealing spells deal 10% more damage, have their critical chance increased by 3%, and their critical multipliers increased by an additional 0.25.
- Wizard Master of Magic
- Prerequisites: Level 20 Wizard, 74 Action points spent
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: Grants +2 Intelligence and all metamagics you possess cost 1 fewer spell point to use. (Heighten Spell costs 1 fewer spell point per level of heightening.)
Prestige Enhancements
- Barbarian Frenzied Berserker I
- Prerequisites: Level 6 Barbarian, Power Attack, Cleave, Barbarian Damage Boost II, Barbarian Power Attack I, Barbarian Power Rage I.
- Cost: 4 Action Points
- Benefit: You gain the effects of the diehard feat while raging, and your glancing blows have a chance of applying magical weapon effects. You also gain the ability to expend 10 hit points to enter a frenzy, which increases your strength by 2 and adds the 'Vicious' property to your melee weapons.
- Barbarian Frenzied Berserker II
- Prerequisites: Level 12 Barbarian, Barbarian Frenzied Berserker 1, Barbarian Damage Boost III, Barbarian Power Attack II, Barbarian Power Rage II.
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: While raging, increases the critical multiplier of all weapons you use by 1 when you roll a natural 19 or 20. Your two handed weapon glancing blows have an increased chance of applying magical weapon effects. You also gain the ability to expend 10 hp to Supreme Cleave.
- Frenzied Berserker Supreme Cleave
- Benefit: Expend 10 hit points to attack all nearby enemies.
- Barbarian Frenzied Berserker III
- Prerequisites: Level 18 Barbarian, Barbarian Frenzied Berserker 2, Barbarian Damage Boost IV, Barbarian Power Attack III, Barbarian Power Rage III.
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: While raging, increases the critical multiplier of all weapons you use by an additional 1 when you roll a natural 19 or 20, bringing the total bonus to 2. Your two handed weapon glancing blows have an increased chance of applying magical weapon effects. You also gain the ability to expend 20 hit points to enter a death frenzy (which can stack with your basic rage and frenzy), increasing your strength by 4 and adding the 'Greater Vicious' property to your melee weapons. (+4d6 damage / +1d3 damage to self)
- Fighter Kensai I
- Prerequisites: Level 6 Fighter, Fighter Attack Boost II, Fighter Critical Accuracy II, any Weapon Specialization feat.
- Cost: 4 Action Points
- Benefit: You are the unrivaled master of your chosen weapon. Your focus and training grant you a +1 bonus to Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, and Intimidate skills, Combat Feat DC's, saves against magic, and number of Action Boosts per day. If you possess a Ki bar, you gain 1 additional Ki on criticals and when meditating. You can select a single weapon type as your signature weapon.
- Kensai <Specific Weapon> Mastery I
- Prerequisites: 6 Fighter, Fighter Kensai I, Weapon Specialization: <appropriate weapon type>
- Cost: 1 Action Point
- Benefit: (One handed, ranged, or thrown weapons) You gain an additional +1 bonus to hit and damage, and +2 to confirm criticals and critical damage (before multipliers) when using a <weapon>.
- Benefit: (Two handed weapons) You gain an additional +1 bonus to hit, +2 to damage and to confirm criticals and +4 to critical damage (before multipliers), as well as improved glancing blows that have a chance of applying magical weapon effects when using a <weapon>.
- Fighter Kensai II
- Prerequisites: Level 12 Fighter, Fighter Kensai I, Fighter Attack Boost III, Fighter Critical Accuracy III, any Greater Weapon Specialization feat.
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: Your focus and training improve, granting an additional +1 bonus to Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, and Intimidate skills, Combat Feat DC's, saves against magic, and number of Action Boosts per day. If you possess a Ki bar, you gain 1 additional Ki on criticals and when meditating.
- Kensai Power Surge
- Benefit: You may expend a Fighter attack boost to focus your energy and spirit, gaining a +8 Insight bonus to strength for a short period of time. If you possess the ability to generate Ki, you generate an additional 2 ki on successful attacks during your surge.
- Kensai <Specific Weapon> Mastery II
- Prerequisites: Level 12 Fighter, Fighter Kensai II, Fighter <Specific Weapon> Specialization I, Kensai <Specific Weapon> Mastery I, Greater Weapon Specialization: <appropriate weapon type>
- Cost: 1 Action Point
- Benefit: (One handed, ranged, or thrown weapons) You gain an additional +1 bonus to hit and damage, and +2 to confirm criticals and critical damage (before multipliers) when using a <weapon>.
- Benefit: (Two handed weapons) You gain an additional +1 bonus to hit, +2 to damage and to confirm criticals and +4 to critical damage (before multipliers), as well as improved glancing blows that have an increased chance of applying magical weapon effects when using a <weapon>.
- Fighter Kensai III
- Prerequisites: Level 18 Fighter, Fighter Kensai II, Fighter Attack Boost IV, Fighter Critical Accuracy IV, any Superior Weapon Focus.
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: Your focus and training are complete, granting an additional +1 bonus to Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, and Intimidate skills, Combat Feat DC's, saves against magic, and number of Action Boosts per day. If you possess a Ki bar, you gain 1 additional Ki on criticals and when meditating.
- Kensai <Specific Weapon> Mastery III
- Prerequisites: Level 18 Fighter, Fighter Kensai III, Fighter <Specific Weapon> Specialization II, Kensai <Specific Weapon> Mastery II, Superior Weapon Focus: <appropriate weapon type>
- Cost: 1 Action Point
- Benefit: You gain +1 critical threat range with your signature weapon.
- Fighter Stalwart Defender I
- Prerequisites: Level 6 Fighter, Fighter Skill Intimidate 2, Fighter Armor Boost 1, Toughness, and any one of: Shield Mastery, Combat Expertise, Diehard, Dodge, or Least Dragonmark of Sentinel.
- Cost: 4 Action Points
- Benefit: While the flesh may be weak, you place your trust in the strength of steel. This prestige enhancement increases your armor class by 1, grants +2 to intimidate, increases your maximum dexterity bonus allowed by shields, and grants additional armor class and damage reduction when blocking with a shield. You may expend a use of Fighter action boost to to enter a defensive stance. When using a shield, you possess DR 2/-.
- Stalwart Defender I: Defensive Stance
- Benefit: You may expend a Fighter armor boost to become a bastion of defense, gaining a +2 Competence bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +1 Competence bonus on all saves, a +2 Dodge bonus to Armor Class, and produce 50% more hate with your melee attacks. While in this stance, you move at one quarter speed.
- Fighter Stalwart Defender II
- Prerequisites: Level 12 Fighter, Fighter Stalwart Defender I, Fighter Item Defense I, Fighter Armor Boost II, and any one of: Fighter Toughness II, Fighter Armored Agility II, Fighter Armor Mastery II, Fighter Tower Shield Mastery II, or Lesser Dragonmark of Sentinel.
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: Your defensive mastery continues to grow. This prestige enhancement increases your armor class by 1, grants +2 to intimidate, increases your maximum dexterity bonus allowed by heavy armor and shields, and grants additional armor class and damage reduction when blocking with a shield. You may expend a use of Fighter action boost to to enter a defensive stance. When using a shield, you possess DR 4/-.
- Stalwart Defender II: Improved Defensive Stance
- Benefit: You may expend a Fighter armor boost to become a bastion of defense, gaining a +3 Competence bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +2 Competence bonus on all saves, a +3 Dodge bonus to Armor Class, and produce 100% more hate with your melee attacks. While in this stance, you move at one third speed.
- Fighter Stalwart Defender III
- Prerequisites: Level 18 Fighter, Fighter Stalwart Defender II, Fighter Item Defense II, Fighter Armor Boost III, and any one of: Fighter Toughness III, Fighter Armored Agility III, Fighter Armor Mastery III, Fighter Tower Shield Mastery III, or Greater Dragonmark of Sentinel.
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: Your defensive mastery is complete. This prestige enhancement increases your armor class by 1, grants +2 to intimidate, increases your maximum dexterity bonus allowed by medium or heavy armor and shields, and grants additional armor class and damage reduction when blocking with a shield. You may expend a use of Fighter action boost to to enter a defensive stance. When using a shield, you possess DR 6/-.
- Stalwart Defender III: Superior Defensive Stance
- Benefit: You may expend a Fighter armor boost to become a bastion of defense, gaining a +4 Competence bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +3 Competence bonus on all saves, a +4 Dodge bonus to Armor Class, and produce 200% more hate with your melee attacks. While in this stance, you move at half speed.
- Defender of Siberys I
- Prerequisites: Level 6 Paladin, Paladin Bulwark of Good I, Paladin Resistance of Good I, Paladin Courage of Good I, Paladin Focus of Good I, Paladin Paladin Armor Class Boost I, and any one of the following: Tower Shield Proficiency, Shield Mastery, or Combat Expertise.
- Cost: 4 Action Points
- Benefit: Protecting the weak from the depredations of the strong, you become a paragon of defense. This prestige enhancement grants you 2 additional Turn attempts, additional armor class when blocking with a shield, increases the maximum dexterity bonus allowed by tower shields by 1, and the ability to enter a defensive stance or to create a Magic Circle Against Evil effect.
- Defender of Siberys I: Defensive Stance
- Benefit: You may expend a Paladin armor boost to become a bastion of defense, gaining a +2 Sacred bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +1 Sacred bonus on all saves, a +2 Dodge bonus to Armor Class, and produce 50% more hate with your melee attacks. While in this stance, you move at one quarter speed.
- Defender of Siberys I: Magic Circle
- Benefit: You may expend a turn attempt to produce a Magic Circle Against Evil effect.
- Paladin Defender of Siberys II
- Prerequisites: Level 12 Paladin, Defender of Siberys I, Paladin Bulwark of Good II, Paladin Resistance of Good II, and any of: Paladin Rally I, Paladin Divine Righteousness I, Paladin Toughness II
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: Protecting the weak from the depredations of the strong, you become a paragon of defense. This prestige enhancement grants you an additional Lay on Hands use per rest, 25% increased hate generation, increases the maximum dexterity bonus allowed by tower shields and heavy armor by 1, and the ability to enter an improved defensive stance or to produce a Mass Shield of Faith effect.
- Defender of Siberys II: Improved Defensive Stance
- Benefit: You may expend a Paladin armor boost to become a bastion of defense, gaining a +3 Sacred bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +2 Sacred bonus on all saves, a +3 Dodge bonus to Armor Class, and produce 100% more hate with your melee attacks. While in this stance, you move at one third speed.
- Defender of Siberys II: Mass Shield of Faith
- Benefit: You may expend a turn attempt to produce a Mass Shield of Faith effect.
- Paladin Defender of Siberys III
- Prerequisites: : Level 18 Paladin, Defender of Siberys II, Paladin Bulwark of Good III, Paladin Resistance of Good III, and any Paladin Faith II enhancement.
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: Protecting the weak from the depredations of the strong, you become a paragon of defense. This prestige enhancement increases the strength of all of your defensive auras, increases the maximum dexterity bonus allowed by tower shields and medium or heavy armor by 1, and grants the ability to enter a superior defensive stance or to defy your enemies in a glorious stand against evil.
- Defender of Siberys III: Superior Defensive Stance
- Benefits: You may expend a Paladin armor boost to become a bastion of defense, gaining a +4 Sacred bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +3 Sacred bonus on all saves, a +4 Dodge bonus to Armor Class, and produce 200% more hate with your melee attacks. While in this stance, you move at half speed.
- Defender of Siberys III: Glorious Stand
- Benefits: You may expend a turn attempt to make a glorious stand against your enemies. For a short duration of time, you gain DR 20/epic, take reduced damage from elemental and negative energy, receive double healing from positive energy, and are immune to secondary effects of attacks such as 'wounding' or 'vorpal'. Each time you take damage, you gain the effects of a Cure Light Wounds spell.
- Paladin Hunter of the Dead I
- Prerequisites: Level 6 Paladin, Paladin Extra Turning I, Paladin Improved Turning I, and any one of Paladin Divine Light I or Paladin Extra Lay on Hands I
- Cost: 4 Action Points
- Benefit: Devoted to the destruction of the undead, you gain 2 additional turning and remove disease attempts per rest, +1 to your level when turning, a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects produced by undead, and all of your attacks are considered Ghost Touch, ignoring the chance to miss incorporeal creatures. Positive energy effects heal you for more and you take less damage from negative energy effects. You are able to expend a use of your Paladin Remove Disease ability to produce a Lesser Restoration effect.
- Paladin Hunter of the Dead II
- Prerequisites: Level 12 Paladin, Paladin Hunter of the Dead I, Paladin Extra Turning II, Paladin Improved Turning II, and any one of Paladin Divine Light II, Paladin Extra Lay on Hands II, or Paladin Redemption I
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: Devoted to the destruction of the undead, you gain 2 additional turning and remove disease attempts per rest, +1 to your level when turning, a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects produced by undead, and your spirit is sealed - you are now immune to energy drain from any source and effects that create spawn on death. Positive energy effects heal you for more and you take less damage from negative energy effects. You are able to expend a use of your Paladin Remove Disease ability to produce a Restoration effect.
- Paladin Hunter of the Dead III
- Prerequisites: Level 18 Paladin, Paladin Hunter of the Dead II, Paladin Extra Turning III, Paladin Improved Turning III, any Paladin Faith II enhancement
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: Devoted to the destruction of the undead, you gain 2 additional turning and remove disease attempts per rest, +1 to your level when turning, a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects produced by undead, and all attacks you make (melee, ranged, or unarmed) have a chance of destroying undead instantly on what would be a Vorpal strike. (Natural 20 followed by confirmation, Will DC: 30 partial, deals Light damage to targets immune to instant destruction effects or save.) Positive energy effects heal you for more and you take less damage from negative energy effects. You are able to expend a use of your Paladin Remove Disease ability to produce a Greater Restoration effect.
- Paladin Knight of the Chalice I
- Prerequisites: Paladin 6, Paladin Courage of Good I, Paladin Energy of the Templar I, Paladin Extra Smite Evil II, and any one of: Paladin Divine Sacrifice I, Paladin Divine Might I, or Paladin Exalted Smite I.
- Cost: 4 Action Points
- Benefit: You are devoted to fighting demons and other evil outsiders, driving them from Eberron forever. Your maximum number of Smites is increased by one, your anti-fear aura is improved, and you have +1 to attack Evil Outsiders and deal 1d6 additional damage with melee and unarmed attacks against them. You resist evil influences particularly well, gaining a +2 bonus to saves against spells and effects produced by Evil Outsiders.
- Paladin Knight of the Chalice II
- Prerequisites: Paladin 12, Paladin Knight of the Chalice I, Paladin Courage of Good II, Paladin Energy of the Templar II
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: You are devoted to fighting demons and other evil outsiders, driving them from Eberron forever. Your maximum number of Smites is increased by one, your anti-fear aura is improved, and you have +2 to attack Evil Outsiders and deal 2d6 additional damage with melee and unarmed attacks against them. You resist evil influences particularly well, gaining a +3 bonus to saves against spells and effects produced by Evil Outsiders.
- Knight of the Chalice Censure Demons
- Benefit: You may expend a turn undead attempt to stun a targetted demon or other Chaotic Evil outsider. A successful Will save DC: 10 + Paladin Level + Charisma Modifier negates this effect. The target gains repeated saves to break free of this effect.
- Paladin Knight of the Chalice III
- Prerequisites: Paladin 18, Paladin Knight of the Chalice II, any Paladin Faith II enhancement
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: You are devoted to fighting demons and other evil outsiders, driving them from Eberron forever. Your maximum number of Smites is increased by one, your anti-fear aura is improved, and you have +4 to attack Evil Outsiders and deal 4d6 additional damage with melee and unarmed attacks against them. You resist evil influences particularly well, gaining a +4 bonus to saves against spells and effects produced by Evil Outsiders.
- Ranger Tempest II
- Prerequisites: Ranger level 12, Tempest I, Ranger Dexterity II, Greater Two Weapon Fighting
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: Your training has turned you into a whirling tempest of steel, granting a 10% competence bonus to dual wield attack speed, a +3 shield bonus to armor class when two weapon fighting, and your penalty to hit has been reduced by 1.
- Ranger Tempest III
- Prerequisites: Ranger level 18, Tempest II, and any one of: Two Weapon Blocking, Two Weapon Defense, Oversized Two Weapon Fighting, or Lightning Reflexes.
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: Your skill with two weapons is unequaled - your training has turned you into a whirling tempest of steel, granting a 10% competence bonus to dual wield attack speed, a +4 shield bonus to armor class when two weapon fighting, your penalty to hit has been reduced by 2, and you have additional attacks when two weapon fighting.
- Rogue Assassin III
- Prerequisites: Rogue level 18, Assassin II, Sneak Attack Accuracy IV, Sneak Attack Training IV
- Cost: 2 Action Points
- Benefit: Your lethality is unmatched in battle. Grants an additional +2 bonus to damage on critical hits (before multipliers), +2 bonus to Bluff, Hide, and Move Silently skills and Fortitude saves against poison. Also, any sneak attack that also counts as a vorpal strike (natural 20 followed by critical confirmation) that you make will kill most living targets.
General Enhancement Changes
- The Enhancement UI has been updated.
- Available enhancements now display in the left-hand side of the Enhancements panel.
- You can now drag and drop enhancements into the right-hand side of the panel to select them them, or double click on the enhancement to select it. To undo your choice, you can use the undo button, double click the enhancement in the right-hand side of the panel, or drag the enhancement off the right side.
- Class specialties now indicate that you can only take a single specialty from a particular class.
- The time between additional saves on monk dark path finishers has been increased.
- The Feat 'Slicing Blow' now deals 1 point of Constitution damage in addition to the rest of its effects.
- The duration of Halfling Heroic Companion has been increased from 20 seconds to one minute.
- Barbarian Critical Rage I and II can no longer be trained. Characters that currently possess these enhancements will retain them until they reset their enhancements, and these enhancements count as their "Barbarian Specialty".
- Barbarian Intimidating Rage has had its prerequisites changed to "either Barbarian Intimidate 4 or Barbarian Frenzied Berserker 2".
- Cleric and Paladin Improved Turning have had their costs reduced to 1/2/3 action points from 2/4/6
- Rogue Way of the Assassin, Way of the Mechanic, and Way of the Thief-Acrobat have been renamed "Rogue: Assassin", "Rogue: Mechanic", and "Rogue: Thief-Acrobat" to remain consistent with the Prestige Enhancements from other classes.
- Rogue Assassin I and II have had the fortitude save bonus vs. Poison increased to +2 per rank.
- Rogue Mechanic II has gained the following active ability:
- Rogue: Smite Construct
- Benefit: Your mechanical knowledge grants you the ability to deal devastating blows in melee to constructs and living constructs. You gain twice your Intelligence bonus to your attack roll and a damage bonus based on your rogue level. Smites return at a rate of one every 90 seconds.
- The effect of Ranger (and Elf) Arcane Archer : Imbue Force Arrows has changed to:
- Benefit: Imbues all missiles that you fire with arcane force, granting them the Force ability (+1d6 Force damage) and negating the incorporeal miss chance of ethereal creatures. This ability costs 10 spell points to activate, and triggers a lengthy cooldown of the Magic Missile spell. Only one Arcane Archer Imbue ability may be active at any time.
- The effect of Ranger Tempest I has been modified to:
- Benefit: Your training has turned you into a whirling tempest of steel, granting a 10% competence bonus to dual wield attack speed and a +2 shield bonus to armor class when two weapon fighting.
- Corrected an error in the description of Paladin Redemption III.
- The duration of Halfling Heroic Companion has been increased from 20 seconds to one minute.
- Many pieces of gear have been improved, and named loot has been added to many quests.
- Minos Legens no longer grants the Toughness Feat. It now grants 20 additional hit points that stack with all other bonuses.
- Enchanted Darkleaf Banded Armor has been set 'medium' armor, rather than heavy.
- The Shroud greensteel raid loot effects that give regeneration (Lesser, Improved, and Greater Regeneration) have been upgraded to do 2 points of healing every interval instead of 1 point. The intervals remain the same. This was done mainly for our friends out there who are Warforged. Now even when they have their standard lesser sensitivity to healing they will get healed for 1 point instead of 0.
- The weapon effect called "Stench" has been renamed to "Sickening Stink". This was done to avoid confusion when simultaneously getting feedback about this effect and other stench effects like the stench from troglodytes. No changes have been made to the actual effect.
- Greensteel scimitars, great axes, heavy maces, and dwarven axes now show the animation for the effect they have applied like other greensteel weapons.
- A number of effects that work only with melee weapons have had their descriptions updated to reflect this fact. This includes armor that might add the destruction or crippling effects.
- After selecting thrown weapons from your hotbar, they will no longer disappear from your hot bar when you switch to another weapon set.
- Bags now display unique item capacity in their tooltip
- Collectable bags remember tree expand/collapsed state on item add/remove and bag open/close
- Wands can now be activated using the "attack" button. Autoattack does not autofire wands, though click-and-hold attacking will activate the wand each time the cooldown is up.
- When an item is repaired, if it is diminished to 0 max durability, the system will set it to 1 max durability and mark it as "broken beyond repair. Previously when an item was at 1 max durability, it was already "broken beyond repair" but it didn't appear to be, causing confusion. The durability is now set to 0 when the item is marked as "broken beyond repair" This means that items will end their life at the repair person and not at the hands of a monster.
- Dragon Essences are no longer subject to item damage. This change is retroactive, so that all previously damaged Dragon Essences will be repaired automatically.
- The Transmuting weapon enchantment is now: "This weapon transmutes into a form that is able to bypass any material based Damage Reduction. (Adamantine, Alchemical Silver, Byeshk, Cold Iron, or Mithril)"
- The Vicious weapon enchantment now deals 2d6 damage to opponents struck by the weapon and 1d3 damage back to the wielder instead of 1d6.
- Handwraps can now be vicious.
- In the New Player experience, the Ember Longbow has been trimmed, and is now an Ember Shortbow.
- Eternal Wands of Acid Splash, Finger of Fire, Magic Missile, and Cure Minor Wounds now have 50 maximum charges and recharge over time when not actively being fired. They also have faster cooldowns than normal wands.
- Certain handwraps were not applying Enfeebling effects correctly. If your handwrap is not currently working, please find a Stone of Change, and select "Activate Stone". This will fix your handwrap.
- The Eternal Titan Wand is more eternal; it is now immune to damage. All previous items that have been damaged will be retroactively repaired, and be Immune to damage.
- The plane of irian is waning! All permanent magic items that produce a "Resurrection" or "True Resurrection" effect now produce a "Raise Dead" effect. This includes items with the "Aspect of Positive Energy" effect from the Shroud.
- Items that are 'Bound' will now be listed as either 'Bound to Character' or 'Bound to Account' in the item examination window.
- It is now possible to find Mass Repair Damage scrolls as treasure.
- The contents of some collectable stations and lower level chests have been improved.
- Archivist Necklace has had it's items description changed. It was never intended to remove feeblemind, as it is a level 1 item, and the description no longer indicates that it will.
- The Apprentice's Robe from the Grotto now grants the Lesser Arcane Augmentation I ability, increasing the wearer's caster level by 1 when casting first level sorcerer or wizard spells.
- The durability of the Apprentice's Robe and Disciple's Robe from the Grotto have been increased from 5 to 25.
- To give people something to replace the Apprentice's Robe with later on, the Robe of the Duality in the Catacombs now grants +2 Caster Level when casting first level Sor/Wiz spells.
- Acid Splash, Finger of Fire, and Ray of Frost now deal 1d3 + Caster Level (Max +5) damage of the appropriate flavor. This improves the Finger of Fire and Acid Splash wands that can be found in the Grotto and the Waterworks.
- Enduring Conviction was not doing Lawful damage, now it will be.
- The rewards for several Lower level story arc quests are now Bind on Account. Please note this change is not retroactive, and will only effect newly acquired items.
- Siberys Dragonshards of all types can now stack up to 100. (Fragments continue to stack to 1000.)
- Dragonshards and dragonshard fragments are more commonly found in collectables and treasure.
- The contents of some collectable stations and lower level chests have been significantly improved.
- Bind-on-Acquire items no longer display a "are you sure you wish to pick this up?" dialogue if you are the only member in the party.
- Additional recipes have been added to the Stone of Change, allowing combination of complete stacks of Siberys Dragonshards (or Fragments) of intermediate types into the appropriate number of the next size up.
- The Bralani will no longer roll a save vs petrification since they are immune.
- Carcass Eaters are now effected by solid fog and other effects that slow monsters down.
- Living Spells now have focus orb images.
- Frost spiders can now be selected using the mouse.
- Sahuagin now speak Common and can be affected by effects which require that. This includes things like intimidate and diplomacy. Note that Sahuagin will still be immune to Charm Person and Hold Person because they are Monstrous Humanoids and not regular humanoids and are not affected by "person" spells.
- Spells cast by wight spellcasters will now render properly on players screens when cast.
- Pitfiends and Horned Devils recently went to the Shavarath Optometrist and Ear, Nose, & Throat specalist. They've discovered that their hearing and sight aren't as good as they used to be.
- Spiders will no longer give off and 'icy aura' unless they are actually ice spiders.
- Archers and spellcasting opponents now have improved mental abilities, and will no longer occasionally run headfirst forever into walls.
- Red-named bosses can now be affected by ability damage. They can take up to 10 points of damage to each ability score, and this damage cannot reduce their ability scores below 1.
- Shadows no longer kill opponents which they have reduced to a 0 strength.
- Orthon's now follow the same teleport delay as Bearded Devils.
- When you have a monster targeted and it burrows or teleports away, it will still be targeted upon its return.
- Added sounds to Small Browns Spider's when they are attacking.
- Animated feedback has been improved when you strike a monster or are stuck.
Adventure Areas
General Adventure Area Changes
- Players will receive some experience for killing a rare monster they had previously killed.
Tangleroot Gorge
- The rare spawn 'Clamor' now grants a chest after his defeat.
Ataraxia's Haven
- Business has been booming thanks to adventurers, and a new Tavern area has opened, accessible from inside Ataraxia's Haven. It includes bind point NPCs, vendors, a branch of the Kundarak bank, and even a mailbox!
Restless Isles
- The Restless Isles have been outfitted with slayer, explorer, and rare encounter quests.
Searing Heights
- The CR for this area has been increased to CR 6.
- Corrected some sound issues
Korthos Island
- Amalgam faces a more appropriate direction.
- Recalling will always take you back to Korthos Village.
Three Barrel Cove
- A new NPC, Back-Nose Quint, is available to give directions to Three Barrel Cove.
Vale of Twilight
- Updated sounds in all associated quests and the landscape.
General Quest Changes
- The penalty for being higher level than a quest has been reduced.
- If you attempt to leave a dungeon before completing a quest, a confirmation dialog appears to remind you that are about to leave the dungeon, to help ensure you don't exit by accident.
- Normal, Hard, and Elite dungeons (not solo or raid) will now scale their difficulty based on the party to help "smaller" parties. Players and hirelings will contribute to the overall strength of the party and therefore the difficulty of the dungeon.
- All exploding barrels in the game now do a more appropriate amount of damage for the quests that they are in. Their damage and the reflex save required to half the damage also scale with the dungeon difficulty setting (up for hard and elite, down for solo).
- Bounty Boards are no longer available in Stormreach. Players should throw away any related items and abandon related quests.
- VIP players will be given the option to enter Hard difficulty dungeons without first completing the Normal difficulty mode.
- Solo and Normal mode rest shrines that have been used are reset after 5 or 15 minutes respectively. A timer will display in the alert message showing the player how long they must wait to reuse the shrine.
- Upon exiting the dungeon, players will be restored to full health. Already done in M9.
- Scaling tech has been adjusted to provide a more appropriate challenge for smaller questing parties.
- The durations of many crowd control effects cast by monsters are now affected by dungeon difficulty scaling.
Korthos Isle
Shipwrecked Shore
- Jeets the rogue will now allow you to swap your starter weapon even after giving you the quest to help Cellimas. He will also allow you to swap the weapon he gave you with another, including the one he already handed you.
- If you've already completed the tutorial on a character, it is now possible to skip the tutorial at any time during the tutorial by speaking to an NPC.
- Talbron has read up on his grammar lessons while waiting for your arrival.
The Grotto
- Bards will now be given short bows and chainshirts instead of Robes in the conclusion of the tutorial.
- Jeets, Cellimas, Talbron, and Lars have been freed from their silence spell, and can now speak aloud!
Korthos Village
- Rinar d'Thuranni speaks to you less before directing you to Stormreach
- Randall's conversations are more direct.
- After completing Misery's Peak the folks around town will treat you with the respect you deserve.
- When it's sunny in Korthos Village, it's now ALWAYS sunny. No more nighttime in sunny Korthos.
- There is more direction given to drive players toward Misery's Peak after completing Redemption.
- Snowy Korthos: Now less drab!
Heyton's Rest
- Crests are now easier to find in the rubble of the altars.
The Collaborator
- An optional has been added to defeat Kiv Nerl.
- Arcane Skeleton nows gives optional XP.
Misery's Peak
- The mindflayer now gets frozen BEFORE he dies.
- Corrected an issue where players could finish the quest and not be able to progress to Stormreach Harbor.
- Jeets, Cellimas, Talbron, and Lars have been freed from their silence spell, and can now speak aloud!
- The entrance to Misery's Peak is now marked like all other quest entrances, with swirls!
- The Catacombs CR range has been changed from CR 2 to 4 to CR 3 to 4.
- Unusually large Iron Defenders have been scaled down to an appropriate size.
- The CR range of the Waterworks has been modified from CR 2 to 3 to CR 3 to 4
- Players will no longer need to acquire a Seal from the Harbormaster to enter the Marketplace. Harbormaster Zin is still interested in rewarding the efforts of upstanding citizens who lend a hand with the Harbor's kobold infestation.
Three Barrel Cove
Ghost of a Chance
- Farrier Worley screams only once each time he is zapped, rather than once per member of the party.
- Farrier Worley grants an additional chest after he is saved.
Rackam's Trial
- Fire traps have become more challenging to by-pass
Delera's Graveyard
And The Dead Shall Rise
- Explorers report that more types of named treasures have been discovered in (the place where this quest is)
- A wider variety of monsters are found on the way to the top, with fewer undead and fewer monsters over all
Other Quests
Halls of Shan-to-Kor
- Several control boxs have been added or moved in the Halls of Shan to kor dungeon make certain traps easier or possible for rogues. An optional way of disabling the "halls of fire" traps has been added.
- The guardian has spiffed up his chamber, getting rid of some of the water that flooded the chamber.
- * Due to countless batterings over the years, the Guardian of Shan-To-Kor has been worn down. Various stats of his have been reduced or modified. He now has lower attack bonus, AC, strength, damage output, critical hit rate, dr, and energy resistance, but has a lot more hit points so he can still do his duty.
Tempest Spine
- Talf Halfspear no longer controls the power tile at the final encounter. You're just going to have to activate it yourself.
Burning City
- Firebrand Eremite's will no longer accidentally spawn inside walls.
Irestone Inlet
- When leaving the quest, the item "Dink's Diary" is no longer left in a players inventory.
- The torch on Yaaryar's schooner is easier to find.
Fallowcrest Library
- The quest flow of fallowcrest library has been changed slightly, and you are not "sealed" in the dungeon. The quest no longer fails if someone leaves the group.
Dreams of Insanity
- Explorers report that more types of named treasures have been discovered in (the place where this quest is)
- Runes are easier to figure out. All you need is a bit of Intelligence. They no longer rely on Wisdom or Charisma.
Sykros' Jewel
- Now gives greater XP rewards
- Now gives greater XP rewards
- Most of the rust monsters have been removed
Maraud the Mines
- Now requires less gems and ore in order to complete the quest
- Gems and ore in "Maraud the Mines" quest can now be more easily picked up
- Now gives greater XP rewards
Shrouded Vale
- Now 3 of the mummies can perish without the quest failing instead of just one.
An Explosive Situation
- The exploding barrels now do 3d6 to 4d6 damage instead of 1d6.
Find The Lost Tome
- Applied moisturizer to a dry spot in the water.
- Reports are coming in of new and interesting items that can be collected from the Necropolis series of quests.
- Gavonn Monthip no longer refers to Sir Rohine' as 'the Sir Rohine'.
- Shadows and umbral creatures in some Necropolis quests of the Shadow Lord series now use their strength damage effects less often.
- The names of the non-boss spectre and wraith casters have been altered to include the word "mage" to make them easier to identify as casters.
Tomb of the Shadow Knight
- Difficulty has been reduced to make this quest more friendly for pick up groups and hireling supported groups.
Tomb of the Shadow Lord
- Difficulty has been reduced to make this quest more friendly for pick up groups and hireling supported groups.
Tomb of the Unhallowed
- Difficulty has been reduced to make this quest more friendly for pick up groups and hireling supported groups.
Tomb of the Tormentor
- Now supports solo mode.
Accursed Ascension
- The CR of the Black Abbot raid has been increased to 17!
- Significant changes have been made to the Black Abbot raid to make it more friendly to pick up group raids.
- The Accursed Ascension raid has had much of its treasure improved. Existing items are unaffected by this change, except for:
- Retroactive Changes: Both the Lesser Maximize and Lesser Heighten spell effect buffs increased to 20 seconds in duration.
The Ruins of Thernal
- The number of rust monsters in Thernal have been reduced
- Sal is no longer floating above the ground.
- Excavators report that more types of named treasures have been discovered in parts of the Thernal ruins!
Library of Thernal
- Two clay golems have gotten more dangerous ... like they were back in the old days.
Hold for Reinforcements
- Coyle can now be knocked out. Repeatedly. The other House Deneith explorers don't seem to mind.
Western Excavation
- There are fewer slimes and more other monsters now.
Southern Ruins
- A pair of gargoyles have learned how to get down from ledges, and will now attack players as they see fit.
Vault of Night
Prisoner of the Mind
- Players with a full inventory can now pick up Ingstoldt's key.
- Hirelings falling off a ledge will no longer fail the quest.
Jungle of Khyber
- The end boss Marut now regenerates more slowly, about one third as fast as he used to.
Demon Sands
Zawabi's Revenge
- Players now only need to turn in key items once to get into "Against the Demon Queen". Afterwards, this area is replayable without needing to get those items again.
- Rest shrines now spawn after the Queen dies, and remaining gnolls and efreeti die.
- Two sets of armor have been changed (chain and scale). The change will only affect new drops of the armor.
Vulkoor Spiral
- The marathon to the top of the spire is now significantly shorter.
Desert Caravan
- Iosynne d'Phiarlan will now bestow the Desert Caravan quest from within the Menechtarun desert.
- The quest has been shortened to 10 minutes.
The Vale of Twilight
Let Sleeping Dust Lie
- Adjusted the death animation on the spiders
Running with the Devils
- Ghaedhi bosses will no longer teleport into walls.
The Shroud
- Recalling from 'The Shroud' will now place you in Meridia.
Reaver's Refuge
Monastery of the Scorpion
- Sannyasi, in the Drow Monastery, should no longer cause puzzles to become unsolvable.
In-game Vendors
- The portable hole now has an expanded shop roster. Wizards and Sorceror's rejoice!
- When selling to pawnbrokers, remember that unlike Tavern-keepers and general vendors, other players can purchase an item you've sold to the NPC. Additionally, it is intended that items sold to pawnbrokers will not appear in your buyback list. Instead the item will appear for purchase in the sell tab of the pawnbroker's list.
- Shields and Light weapons have been added to the two generic vendors in Korthos Village.
- In response to changing economic conditions, Masei Mkembe in Zawabi's Refuge has slashed his prices - check them out!
- The NPC Vagan Taneer, who trades for Planar Shards, will no longer steal your shards if you are already holding an exclusive reward item of his in your inventory.
- Mari Mosshand has realized her stocks are running low, and she had better conserve her stores!
- Feat Respec costs now follow a standardized (level ^ 3) * 100 gold piece formula. An Exceptional Siberys Dragonshard is now required to respec feats for characters of levels 13 - 16, and a Flawless Siberys Dragonshard is required to respec feats for characters of levels 17 - 20. These can be found in treasure, or created at a Stone of Change through Dragonshard combination.
PvP Improvements
- Party leaders can now challenge another group to a player vs. player match in one of our arenas! A challenge window will appear in which the terms of the challenge can be negotiated, and both parties will be teleported to the arena to enter the fray when all players agree.
- A new PvP arena has been added. The devil's pit, best suited for single combat between high level champions.
- Added a confirmation dialog when entering a PvP match as part of a PvP party.
- Level 4 characters, especially those with 3 levels of a single class, will no longer experience a death penalty in PvP
- In PvP, Power Word spells (Blind, etc) now use the HP cap as per the Player's Handbook.
Other Changes
- The game launcher has been updated.
- You can now chose to login to your most recently played server, rather than selecting your server from the list.
- The launcher now has a login queue feature, to help queue players if the world you're attempting to enter is currently full.
- The credits screen has been updated.
- All pre-generated character paths have been extended to level 20.
- The automatic log off based on player inactivity is no longer an idle threat - you will now actually be logged off for inactivity per the informational prompt.
- Voice Chat is now set to 'On' by default.
- Trap Control Boxes will now show a static image of gears in the focus orb when selected rather than nothing at all.
- A number of NPCs have been sent to school by the Coin Lords to correct their grammar
- Players who purchased the collectors edition of D&D will receive thier bonus water breathing brooch the next time they log in.
- The default mouse mapping is now:
- Single Attack - Button 0
- Action Interact Steer - Button 1
- The following key mappings have been configured as new defaults:
- Q for next interactable
- Ctrl-Q & Ctrl-Backspace for selecting previous interactable
- E for Interact/activate
- F for push to talk
- Lava, acid, and other environmental damage over time effects should no longer occasionally permanently stick on players.
- Attack sounds were added to attacks made when sneaking.
- You can now enter the marketplace without needing to bribe or "Free" anyone.
- A memorial to the tragedy of the marketplace tent destruction has been added.
- The public area 'Black Loch' has been closed due to a dangerous Pirate uprising. Yarr.
- The intro movie will now play only once per user per computer. It can be replayed from the character selection screen.
- The 'B' key is now bound to the 'Loot All' button by default.
- Falling hurts! When you fall off something you will receive feedback.
- Stuck spots have been fixed all across Xen'drik, including the following locations:
- Public spaces
- House Kundarak ward
- Adventure Areas
- The Subterrane
- Gianthold Ruins
- Menechtarun Desert
- Tangleroot Gorge
- Ataraxia's Haven
- Searing Heights
- Aussircaex's Valley
- Mount Reysalon
- Three Barrel Cove
- Quests
- Fleshmaker's Laboratory
- Vault of Night: Tharashk Arena
- Ghost of a Chance
- Misery's Peak
- Caverns of Korrmar
- Vulkoor Spiral
- Waterworks: Clan Gnastooth Prison
- Prey on the Hunter
- Redemption
- The Ruins of Thernal: Southern Ruins
- Gwylan's Stand