Hellforge's Most Wanted Features in Diablo III
Category: News ArchiveHits: 840
2. A unique playstyle for every class. Most of us have played each of Diablo II's seven classes to death, and then some, so it is with little doubt that we want to experience something new with the character classes that the new game has to offer. So far, the Wizard's temporal spells and the Witch Doctor's ability to combine his or her abilities to produce fearsome monstrosities manage to give these characters prime, standout qualities. However, as much as I like seeing new things, it goes without saying that most of us will still enjoy the traditional hack and slash experience that the Barbarian has to offer.Given the controversy over the art design, I don't think Blizzard can afford to make Diablo III any more tame than the first two installments. Fan rage would be out of control.
4. Drench us in blood and gore. With zombies losing their heads and spurting blood to form pools beneath their frozen bodies to exploding magma golems, and demons that turned to ash, the original Diablo contained just about the right amount of graphic violence. Not too much, and not too little. The less violence sequel took a lot of the visceral experience away, featuring far less blood and fewer sinful visual delights. It goes without saying that we'd like for Diablo III to be just as bloody as the original, if not more so. A bit of ragdoll physics here and there could certainly help to spruce up the display of flying, dismembered limbs.