Overlord II Reviews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 870
RPGamer gives it a 4.0/5:
The biggest detriment Overlord II faces is also one of its strongest points: it really doesn't take any major steps forward from the last game. But the original game was terrific, and there's enough that's new and enough that's been improved upon to make Overlord II as enjoyable as the first. The game isn't terribly long, likely lasting most players a bit more than twenty hours if they take their time, but there is room for a second playthrough if players want to try a different evil philosophy. Many RPGs offer players a choice between good and evil, but no series takes the same approach as Overlord. As Gnarl the Minion Master says, "It's good to be bad, but it's better to be evil."
Cheat Code Central comes in at 3.9/5:
Overlord II will feel largely familiar to players who weathered through the original game. The development team has shored up some but not all of the loose elements to make the gameplay a bit tighter and added in minor touches here and there that generally enhance the evil enjoyment it dishes out. The new additions help to amp-up the inherent fun of being a rampaging dark overlord, but the linear path of destruction you'll create doesn't really feel like epic progress. You'll find some entertaining mayhem here. Just don't expect to be blown away.
Play.tm goes with a 65%:
Overlord II initially appears to be a worthy sequel, but once you come to the realisation that it's really not sufficiently different to its predecessor, it's difficult to justify a purchase if you already happen to own the original. Bugs and glitches still pervade much of the game, with graphics and animations that seem a tad unfinished and crude. None of these issues conspire to completely break the game, but they do make for a sequel that fails to be what it could have and should have been. That said if you missed the original game, then Overlord II will be a pleasantly fresh gameplay experience well worth your time. If however, you caught Overlord the first time round, then you may find yourself feeling a little disappointed and short-changed by this sequel. Overlord II is solid enough, but it doesn't go quite as 'over-the-top' as we'd have liked.
Strategy Informer hits it with a 6.7/10:
Overlord II initially appears to be a worthy sequel, but the reality soon dawns on you that it's not really all that different to its predecessor. Bugs and glitches still pervade much of the game, with graphics and animations that are rough and unrefined. None of these issues break the game, but they do make for a sequel that fails to be what it potentially could have and should have been. That said if you missed the original game, then Overlord II will be a pleasantly fresh gameplay experience well worth the time and effort. If however, you did catch Overlord the first time round, then you may find yourself feeling a little let down by the sequel.
And The Guardian slaps it with a 4/5:
The addition of a mini-map is welcome, but there are times where you can still feel lost. Controls are smoother, however camera angle issues are still prevalent. Despite its faults, being evil has never been more pleasurable. A game full of personality and that can't be taken seriously, Overlord's wicked style is an enjoyable way to experience immorality.