Fallout 3 Point Lookout DLC Reviews
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The first is at Talking About Games with a score of "A":
For fans of the Fallout series this DLC doesn't disappoint, and is every bit as enjoyable as the last DLC release of Broken Steel -- perhaps even more so, for those gamers truly interested in story and character development. The ten or so hours it takes to complete your journey down in Maryland makes this purchase worth the $10 price tag and the fact that one of the quests bridges the gap between Point Lookout and the D.C. Wastes gives you even more incentive to continue exploring the content of the original game even after you've stepped off the ferry and returned to your old stomping grounds.
The second is at AusGamers with a score of 9.0/10:
My idealism aside, Point Lookout has given me some of the most enjoyable Fallout 3 moments, and then some. And thanks to decisions I made, I now have two safe-house areas to store gear so I can come back here any time I like to take pot-shots at the inbred locals - seriously, what's not to love?
The third is at Blast Magazine with a score of 8.5/10:
Point Lookout's plot is as interesting as it is different. Along with the diverse characters, weapons, and environments, Point Lookout is definitely one of the most creative DLCs available. With that said, however, I couldn't help but ask myself how necessary this add-on was to the overall Fallout 3 storyline. With the base Fallout 3 game combined with Broken Steel (my favorite of the DLCs, which extends the level-cap from 20 to 30), there are definitely enough quests to get to level 30 without spending another dime. All things considered, Point Lookout is a fun addition to Fallout 3, but should only be downloaded by those who have already bought Broken Steel and are ready for some new, exciting content.
And the fourth is at GamingShogun with no score:
Overall, Point Lookout is well worth the purchase of 800 Microsoft Points and leaves us with yet another chapter to tell of our post-apocalyptic adventure. It also leaves us clamoring for more, and the next DLC pack Mothership Zeta, which releases at the end of this month, will take us on board an alien spacecraft!