21 Random Questions for the BioWare Doctors
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1050
13. Best prank you've ever pulled?
Zeschuk: As a medical intern we used to edit photos of our colleagues' heads onto other images using scissors, glue, and photocopiers (and yes, kids, this was before the days of Photoshop). I did a great job of putting the head of another intern with a big beard onto an image of a pregnant woman with the headline "she's worried where she's going to deliver her baby" and posted it all over the hospital. Good times!
Muzyka: Regrettably, I'm not much of a prankster.
20. Dungeons & Dragons or Star Wars?
Zeschuk: Star Wars.
Muzyka: Tough one, but I've gotta go with Star Wars. However, the pen-and-paper RPG game for Star Wars (which we based the "rules under the hood" of Knights of the Old Republic on) uses the D20 rules from D&D...so if you've got to have both, I guess that's the way to go!