Mass Effect Comic Series Announced
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Sci-Fi Comic Prequel Bridges Heroic conclusion of Mass Effect and Mysterious Beginning of Mass Effect 2
Redwood City, CA. July 21, 2009 BioWareâ„¢, a studio of Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS) and Dark Horse Comics today announced a new comic book series based on Mass Effectâ„¢, the blockbuster sci-fi action videogame that rated the #1 Xbox 360â„¢ game of all time. In Mass Effect: Redemption, the story takes readers through the treacherous events leading up to Mass Effect 2 which opens with galactic hero Commander Shepard having mysteriously gone missing and left to fight for survival. What unfolds next will expose readers to new locations, aliens and extended storyline in the Mass Effect universe. Mass Effect: Redemption is scheduled to launch in January 6, 2010.
The Mass Effect: Redemption story is written by Lead Writer Mac Walters at BioWare. Walters is the script writer behind Mass Effect 2. He brings unique insight to the Mass Effect comic and nuance of the world within. The comic is scripted by John Jackson Miller (Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, The Invincible Iron Man) and drawn by Omar Francia (Star Wars Legacy). This first four-part series explores the exotic and dangerous future Milky Way of Mass Effect, revealing previously unseen locations, aliens, and enemies of this rich science fiction landscape.
Mac Walters and Omar Francia will be autographing a Comic-con exclusive Mass Effect signing card at the Dark Horse booth (#2615) on July 24th at 4:00pm 5:00pm at Comic-Con International 2009 in San Diego, CA.
(Fans of Mass Effect are going to be pleasantly shocked by the events in these comics," says Mac Walters. "We worked very closely with Dark Horse to make sure this story was built in to the Mass Effect 2 arc, right from the ground up. Reading the series won't just add to your experience of the universe, it will change the way you look at Mass Effect 2. and beyond.)
(Those familiar with Mass Effect are aware that it offers one of the deepest and most compelling universes in the history of space adventure,) says Dark Horse President and Publisher Mike Richardson. (We have a long history of successfully adapting properties such as Aliens, Star Wars, and Serenity into comics, and we feel that Mass Effect has tremendous potential with regard to graphic storytelling.)
The narrative in Mass Effect: Redemption picks up just as Commander Shepard disappears and is left without the support of the crew on the Normandy in the lawless Terminus Systems. Shepard must fight for survival, and will be assisted by close companion, Dr. Liara T'Soni, to come home alive. This story is sure to be a must-read for fans looking to fill the gap between the first and second game.
Mass Effect: Redemption issue 1 hits comic shop shelves in January 6, 2010.
Mass Effect 2 is scheduled for release on Xbox 360 and PC in early 2010. Follow us on Twitter at: For more information about BioWare please visit