Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta DLC Reviews
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Edge Online gives it a 6/10:
Of course, this could have been the best of Fallout's downloads. They all could have. It's not easy giving consecutive middling scores to these updates because, as DLC goes, they're more generous, creative and adventurous than most. Released according to a gamer's schedule rather than a developer's, each coming mere weeks after the last, they beg for whatever sympathy you can salvage. But in the case of Mothership Zeta, for all the love that's gone into it, that's as uncertain an amount as ever.
The Hachiko gives it a 4/5:
Overall, Mothership Zeta is a great package of DLC. It's short (that's to be expected of Fallout 3 DLC) and there aren't too many new enemies, but there are several new pieces of weaponry and armory, plus an imaginative setting and interesting narrative to keep you compelled and constantly moving towards that finish line. If this indeed is the last Fallout 3 content ever, at least it went out with a nice bang.
Feed Your Console gives it a 9/10:
For only 800 MS ($9.99) Motership Zeta didn't disappoint, with the additional 3-4hrs of gameplay, a plethora of alien weaponry and items, you must download this chapter. There's just something about playing through this chapter that left me feeling a little melancholy - Being that this is the "last planned chapter", this means that Bethesda is done with the Fallout 3 saga and that really makes me a little sad. On the otherhand, we can look forward to the previously talked about Fallout: New Vegas (Will have to ask about this) and perhaps a sequel will be forthcoming.
Endsights gives it an 8/10:
Getting through Mothership Zeta will take roughly three hours. The ship is rather large, but since it's all corridors and open rooms it's all a bit linear. If this really is the last add-on for Fallout 3 there shouldn't be too many complaints due to Zeta's ending, which is extremely satisfying. Mothership Zeta should absolutely be added to anybody's Fallout 3 add-on collection.
And Ve3tro remains scoreless:
All in all, mothership Zeta was a great idea in principle, but it feels rushed in practice.
With Mothership Zeta being the last of the '˜announced' DLC from Bethesda, it's a shame the Fallout 3 experience ends on a low note.