World of Warcraft v3.2 Patch Overview
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1019
For the more casual raiders, Blizzard has added a new feature that allows you to extend your raid lockout period by double what it normally would have been. So, instead of having to rush and skip bosses in order to get to Yogg-Saron in one week, you can take your time and clear out all of Ulduar in two weeks.
The more hardcore raiders need not worry though. There's an entire hard-mode instance dedicated to their voracious appetite for challenging content! After completing the normal mode instance, players will unlock the hard-mode instance. This instance will limit the number of wipes your raid can have during a raid lockout period, making it much harder and requiring people to think on their feet.
With the release of the new dungeon, Blizzard has also introduced the next tier of gear as well. For the first time, players will be able to purchase their entire tier set using emblems and trophies gained from the Coliseum raid. As we're getting closer and closer to the final encounter with the Lich King; Blizzard seems to be taking the same path it did with Sunwell. The company is throwing epics at players! All heroic and raid instances with the exception of the Coliseum raid will drop Emblems of Triumph. This will allow players to get Ulduar level gear with half the effort in half the time. It's likely this change was made to help more people get ready to see Icecrown Citadel before the next expansion.