Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta DLC Reviews
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Boomtown gives it a 7/10:
If you enjoyed the other pieces of content, then there is no doubt you will enjoy Mothership Zeta. It's a totally original storyline for the Fallout universe, and the environment it puts you in certainly makes you think a bit more than some of the other previous pieces of content might have done. It's not the best DLC pack released for Fallout 3, but it's certainly not bad. If however you have to make a choice between this content and the others, I'd have to go with Broken Steel. It's still the Daddy of them all.
UGO wants you to "Buy It":
Mothership Zeta might be too linear and action heavy for some, but for me it's a (little slice of heaven.) Besides, you get to pay the little green bastards back by turning the tables while they're (observing) a few wastelanders by filling a sealed observation room with cryogenic gas. Seeing them rush to the window, mouths writhing and fists slamming as their limbs freeze is worth the price of admission alone.
Neocrisis gives it an 8.3/10:
Overall this is a fine DLC expansion and its a great add-on for the hardcore Fallout 3 lover. However its not the first DLC recommended for those looking to pick up their first Fallout 3 expansion. It does not have any new perks besides Xenotech, it does not raise the level cap and it does not affect the overall experience in Fallout 3 like Broken Steel. It also lacks more areas to explore since you are limited to the spaceship unlike Point Lookout which has a grand area designed for exploration. Also it does not contain any grand moral choices like The Pitt so its up to each Fallout 3 fan on how they will handle Mothership Zeta. Now if you'll excuse me I have to remove these alien eggs that were inserted into me during the probing.
GameZone gives it a 7.0/10:
Considerably short and lacking in all the things that made Point Lookout and The Pitt worthwhile downloads, Mothership Zeta is not a bad add-on but it's not the best one either. That said, hardcore Fallout 3 fans still looking for more to do in the Capital Wasteland should check it out either way.
Baxy-z gives it a "B-":
It's not the best add-on for Fallout 3, and not the longest, but if you seek a new adventure, this is a great add-on. The quest is a little short and will only take you a few hours to complete. I had the feeling its more of a shooter then Fallout 3.
Virgin Media gives it a 3/5:
All told though, Mothership Zeta is a let down. It's nowhere near as good as Point Lookout or The Pitt. It's slightly better than Operation Anchorage, but only slightly. It's a linear, repetitive slog through an alien space ship and nothing else. Is it a fitting finale? No. Is it worth 800MS Points? Just. If only for the Samurai Armour. Sniff.
VG Reloaded gives it a 7.0/10:
Mothership Zeta gives you 3 new missions, some pretty cool weapons and a great sci-fi setting. But it feels like it could have been so much better if it was given more time. I would have gladly waited another month or two if the result was better than what we got. It's not the worst piece of DLC in the world, but it fails to impress after the great content we've seen already.
And GamingHeaven gives it a 75/100:
If you are a fan of the series then this will obviously warrant a purchase, but casual Fallout gamers (if there is such a thing) may want to skip this one. It is a short lived experience and the exciting prospect of a new alien world to explore becomes sadly quite mundane after an hour of in game time. It isn't bad by any stretch of the imagination, but it is a sadly missed opportunity.