Knights of the Chalice v1.15 Patch Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1160
Version 1.15:
Reminder: you will find the download link in the email you received after purchasing the game. This upgrade will not damage your saved games.
1) fixed a glitch with spell effect animations
2) fixed missing (one-half) icon in the game options screen, representing one half of maximum HP
3) Added Shift+A and Shift+S shortcuts to attack or shoot with player control returned after each attack.
4) The expanded tooltip will correctly show whether you're going to flank the target creature (v1.14 has an error).
Version 1.14:
Reminder: you will find the download link in the email you received after purchasing the game. This upgrade will not damage your saved games.
1) Any damage from Finger of Death, Mind Blast, Slay Living and Greater Disintegrate will awaken a sleeping creature, if it doesn't kill it outright.
2) Fixed a minor bug where an enemy awakening a sleeping ally could still take a double move action.
3) Added a shortcut to sell items when trading: press (S) while mousing over an item and it will be sold.
4) Added mentions of the U and S shortcuts in the readme.txt and in-game help.
5) corrected acient => ancient in character description.
6) fixed a bug mentioned by Xalles with spells that have repeating effects, like magic missile.
7) Spellcasters will be a bit more unpredictable with their use of the Dispel spell.
8) Slightly increased big red's use of the breath attack.
9) Creatures will avoid insanely long paths to reach the party.
10) The AI will try to surround the player characters and avoid situations where one creature blocks others.
1) Fixed a minor bug in the inventory with item stacks.
2) Fixed the issue with gnolls in the Hill Giant Castle's underground.
3) Fixed some more upper case/lower case display problems.
4) Fixed characters walking underneath junk in the Undead Tower.
5) Fixed the bug with picking gold stack when party is out of range.
6) The game will properly target enemies even if they're standing on the same square as a non-combatant.
7) The game will not allow to add Flaming on top of a Flaming Burst weapon, Frost on top of Icy Burst, Shock on top of Shock Burst.
8) The game will allow casting Freedom of Movement on PCs at any time in combat.
9) The game will allow scrolling slightly beyond the map's edges.
10) Teleport spell will not work in the orc stockade unless the gate has been reopened. Once this is done, random monsters may appear in the upper level.
11) Added an expanded tooltip presenting the main factors in chance to hit.
12) The player characters will not be able to take a five foot step in areas of tall grass.
13) Quoris will cast a few pre-determined spells at the beginning of the ultra-ending battle.
To do next:
- the AI improvements
- a shortcut for selling
- fixing any remaining bugs or random freeze.
1) (I) will close the Inventory and (M) will close the local map. Added mentions of this in the help.
2) Chance to hit will not be displayed when targeting cure spells on a party member.
3) In the demo, when mousing over an item's icon, the tooltip will display (Push Space).
4) Dragging items will not hide the names of the party members in the top-right corner.
5) The game's window will be centered after switching from full screen.
6) The name of composite bows will be displayed in yellow.
7) fixed a slow down in the journal's pending quests screen.
8) Added an option for half of full hit points at level up. Added mention of this in the help.
9) The game will save the out-of-combat cursor state (talk or look).
10) The critical range displayed in the weapon description screen will take account of the Keen enchantment.
11) reloading a heavy crossbow, coup de grace and break free will be allowed when a character's round is restricted to a standard action (i.e. when slowed). You won't be allowed to cast full-round spells or take other full round actions, though.
12) Description edits will be lost when switching to another screen and you didn't press Enter.
13) Changed icon of +1 Armor in demo
13) Touch attack help entry will display the list of spells requiring touch attacks.
14) Editing the name and description of characters and weapons will allow the use of lower case characters.
15) Tried to make the text a bit more coherent in terms of upper/lower case and to have more stuff printed in lower case.
To do next:
- AI improvements (dispel behaviour, surrounding behaviour, avoiding long paths)
- improved tool tip showing things like flanking, cover, etc (with an option to turn it On or Off)
1) fixed an issue with clicking on the help entries for weapons from the main menu.
2) fixed a problem in Taneliz when a golem appears at the gate.
3) fixed the problem in 1.10 with multiple attacks.