Fallen Earth Article Round-up
Category: News ArchiveHits: 978
Tech Olive starts us off with a full review that ends with a score of 6/10:
After the introductory levels, the game loses all plot and I found myself getting very bored, very fast and unable to find anything to do. It just doesn't seem to offer as much as WoW, where you can log on just to go crafting/fishing/achievement hunting/questing or any number of other things.
Eurogamer does the first impressions thing:
The Fallen Earth world isn't a pretty one. The engine isn't the most advanced, and it's downright gloomy. The first town I visit is like a Wild West shanty, reasonably well-populated with NPCs and surrounded by deserts as far as the eye can see. There's a lot of desert in this world, inevitably given the narrative circumstances - and heck, it is Arizona. Sand, rocks, scrub, cacti, and more sand and rocks. I get the impression that later on you do encounter some trees and sunlight, but I didn't see any of either. In the town, I meet my first batch of quest-givers, dubbed, in a decidedly ugly linguistic turn, "Conversers". I soon have a selection of missions: your standard kill X mobs, collect Y items, travel and talk to so and so. Your mini-map helps you out, with target mobs showing up as red dots.
Then we move to a hands-on preview on MMORPG Center:
First quests are accompanied by NPC with voices over which contribute to the atmosphere very well, and they are decent, you don't feel like a courier, more like you are fighting for survival.
I won't talk much about the stats, but I can tell you that as in each rpg you have stats that governs skills, and at each level up you can improve these stats which also improve the skills they govern. At the same time trade skills can be improved by using them, which is great since you can craft almost anything, by gathering resources from the land or from the monsters.
Before finishing off with two separate video previews on Crash Course and G4.