Din's Curse Blog Update

Soldak Entertainment's Steven Peeler has penned another blog entry, this time covering the random dungeons and special rooms he seeks to introduce us to in Din's Curse.
Unlike many action RPGs, we'll have random secrets in our levels to make things more interesting. Sometimes these will be hard to find and other times fairly easy. Each dungeon type will use secrets in different ways- like having all of the secrets at dead ends, or all hidden inside rooms.

Although they are a very old idea often used in roguelike games, special rooms are not very common. A special room is basically a named room randomly placed inside of the dungeon that behaves differently from a normal room. In our case there are vaults, armories, treasure rooms, and lairs- each with a lesser, normal, and greater version.

Vaults have a ton of gold and are usually heavily trapped to keep out intruders.

Armories store lots of weapons and armor racks.

Treasure rooms are filled with chests and usually monsters.
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