Alpha Protocol Blog Update

After suffering through a long period of silence during which Alpha Protocol's release date was in limbo, we're finally treated to a new blog entry penned by designer J.R. Vosovic. The Moscow train yard level is the topic of conversation:
Another section that had several gameplay revisions was the water tower. As part of the old design the tower could be brought down to both open your path through the now destroyed fence, and be used to gate SIE as she would now have to find a way around, off camera. Originally the reddish explosive tank at the base of the water tower was several small, scuba-sized tanks. They were placed behind a fence, with a small break in the links. A keen-eyed player could spot these across the level and pick a shot through two rail cars and bring the house down. While cool, and rewarding for players, this proved to be too subtle, and most players just missed them, even though they were set in harsh contrast to the blue-grey-white of the level art. It was decided that the tank should be scaled up, and any impediments removed as to increase the chances of the big payoff. Big payoffs are always good; It's a win for the player - but not for the mafia atop the water tower."

The SIE boss fight was the last major iteration on the original level design and ensuing redesign. The last room of the level with the roll-doors was where Mike would find the informant, begin a short dialogue sequence and escape with the intel he needed. At this point in development (ca. 2007) our Dialogue Stance System was still in its infancy, as well as some of the branching story options the player would have if they let SIE kill the informant, killed them themselves, or just left him to bleed out in the snow. It was from these early level iterations that much of our current story was shaped. Upon returning to the train yard later in the year, we decided that it would be coolest if the player could either fight SIE, just piss her off, or ally with her.