Dragon Age: Origins Camp Storage Add-on Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 20559
Spawns a storage chest at the party camp.Technical limitations be damned, I guess.
Only works in the main camp, some versions where combat or cutscenes take place will not have access to the chest. If you don't see the chest, leave the camp and come back again.
NOTE: Be carefule to follow the instructions as noted (especially step 4), otherwise you may get an .xml error message instead of a storage chest mod.
To install the files:
1. Ensure that Dragon Age is not running.
2. Download the file to be installed using the updater to your desktop.
3. Open the (daupdater) program in your \Dragon Age\bin_ship directory (usually C\Programs\Dragon Age\bin_ship).
4. Drag-and-drop the file to be installed into the updater window; it should appear in the updater window in the (Content Name) column.
5. Select the content in the updater window by left-clicking on it, then clicking the (Install Selected) button at the bottom of the updater window.
6. Once the (Status) column for the content reads (Installed) close the updater.
7. The content should now be available in-game.
To see the source files in the toolset, load the tal_storage_chest.dadbdata with the Tools/Builder/Load Builder To Builder option.