Fallen Earth Reviews
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The Adrenaline Vault finds it worthy of a 3/5:
With these problems noted, is Fallen Earth worth the cost? The game costs $49.99, with subscriptions starting at $14.99 a month (cheaper for multi-month purchases and the first month is currently free). This puts it on par with high end MMOs. While I enjoyed some of my time spent in the game, I am not sure I enjoyed it enough to justify the cost. Maybe in a few months, Fallen Earth's growing pains will be over. For now, if the setting interests you, wander over to the website and pick up a promotional key and try the game for free.
Digital Chumps hits it with a 5.6/10:
Fallen Earth suffers from the same problems most MMO's face. Billing it's self by not having "elves and wizards" just takes away the fantasy veneer and replaces it with fresh thin coat of post-apocalyptic paint. People who really enjoy crafting (think pre-combat update of Star Wars Galaxies) might find something here but the combat is clunky, the quests are the typical MMO fare and I suppose those who enjoy PVP will enjoy the contested areas. I know the game was in development for six years, and it shows. Fallen Earth is just more of the same that you're used to. If you're already playing a MMO you're deep into and expecting something different here, well it's not really different other than having mature content in an attempt to attract an older audience. I presume I'll catch some flak for this review since it has a cult following, so I doubt I'll be spared any harsh words. Perhaps I have missed the big picture.
And TrueGameHeadz slaps it with a 3.5/5:
With all this being said, (Fallen Earth) is a decent game if you're willing to accept its flaws. It definitely has the vibe of the early 2000 MMOs like (Everquest) and (Star Wars Galaxies,) although it contains the same problems as those games. The animation and frame rate issues detract from the one of the best combat systems in the genre, as well as an enjoyable player-run economy. Unfortunately, at its current buggy state, it's hard to recommend this unless you're a die-hard MMO fan who wants something more challenging than the silver spoon games like (WoW.) However, if the bugs are fixed and the issues are resolved, (Fallen Earth: Welcome to Apocalypse) might end being a game to look out for as it definitely has some good ideas behind it.