Mass Effect 2 Reviews
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GameCritics bucks the trend by giving it a 7.5/10:
Make no mistake, Mass Effect 2 still has the power to deliver blockbuster sci-fi like no one can, but its developers should know better than anyone that you can't tell a great story if you spend three-quarters of a game introducing characters. Players who can look past the lack of drive, annoying decisions, and a general stripped-down, dumbed-down feeling can (thankfully) still look forward to some truly spectacular moments and unforgettable action before credits roll. In my view, Mass Effect 2 is a definite high-wire stumble, but it's to BioWare's credit that they managed to make it to the other side of the tent with their dignity mostly intact.
PALGN gives it a 9/10:
BioWare have not only built up a fascinating, rich universe, they've made another fantastic game in which you get to be a part of it. A masterful piece of video game storytelling and a great action RPG to boot.
USA Today gives it a 3.5/4:
Shortcomings notwithstanding, Mass Effect 2 is an extraordinarily fun and great-looking action RPG for the Xbox 360 and PC. As if there wasn't enough game play here, a code in the box lets you download new missions and special items for free as part of an in-game channel for delivering new content and news on an ongoing basis. Sci-fi fans, rejoice Mass Effect 2 is well worth the wait.
XboxAddict gives it a 96%:
The ending of Mass Effect was a cliffhanger for Mass Effect 2, but I'm not sure how I'm going to bear the wait for Mass Effect 3 with the cliff hanger we're given at the end of this chapter; many questions need to be answered. Mass Effect 2 is an exemplary cinematic experience blended with refined gameplay that make for a sequel that needs to be in everyone's collection. Bioware has done it again; and even better this time.
Telegraph gives it a perfect 10/10:
However, in light of Mass Effect 2's high points, these flaws pale into insignificance. Perhaps the best way to recommend the game is to admit that after completing it for the first time, we glanced at the hours we'd logged and were stunned to see that we'd taken 27 hours to finish it. In truth, it didn't feel like we'd been playing the game for even half that amount of time. The only thing that shocked us more was the fact that we instantly wanted to play it again from the beginning. With Mass Effect 2, BioWare have created an astonishing video game which is likely to entrance casual and hard-core players alike. The only requirement one needs to enjoy Mass Effect 2 is an inclination to become lost in its dark and wondrous universe. Oh, and perhaps a week off work...
GamingBolt gives it a perfect 10/10:
Mass Effect 2 will bring you on a journey and give you an experience that can not be achieved by playing any other game. Everything about the game seems polished perfectly and over the top. Bioware have really done an astonishing job with this game and have said that their best is yet to come. There are good games and good movies and then there is Mass Effect 2 which uses its self shaping story along with comfortable gameplay to bring you an experience that you will not forget. The replay value of the game is nearly infinite if your are trying to venture into ever option in the game. Now stop reading and go play Mass Effect 2, you will not regret it!
RealGamer gives it a 9.5/10:
Mass Effect 2 might not make leaps and bounds forward but the improvements really build on the playing experience of the original game. The story is pretty interesting and will keep you hooked until the end, and the various speech and action options give the game real replay value. The game still probably won't appeal to RPG purists due to it being focused heavily towards the action gamer, but if you liked the original than the sequel is unmissable.
AceGamez gives it a perfect 100%:
Is it perfect? No, not quite. I've yet to see a perfect game and doubt I ever will. But Mass Effect 2 is such a staggering achievement it's hard to consider any other game more deserving of a perfect score. It's forty-plus hours of top-notch combat, incredible voice-acting, emotional provocation, stunning graphics and exhilarating gameplay of a standard that simply hasn't been achieved before as a complete package. Some games have great shooting mechanics, some have great RPG elements, and others have a decent story, memorable protagonists or blinding good looks. Very few games have it all. Dammit if I sound like a fanboy, but Mass Effect 2 is made of pure awesome, filled to the brim with natural win and oozes excellence from every pore. Buy it, play it, love it, play it again, remember why you loved it. Simples.
TheSixthAxis gives it a perfect 10/10:
The scale of this achievement is not to be underestimated. BioWare have built not only an excellent action game or an engrossing RPG. They've built a complete experience in another time and space and the complexity and detail which has been poured into this experience is, quite simply, unrivalled by anything in the world of entertainment. There are Holywood studios, big budget TV companies and global publishing houses who would yearn for the quality of fiction BioWare have crammed into this epic experience. The days of asking when video games will grow up and equal other entertainment forms are over. With Mass Effect 2, BioWare have steered the medium into adulthood.
LGRNexus gives it a 98/100:
Mass Effect 2 isn't a game; it is a playable movie. Between the unprecedented character interaction and the thrilling combat elements, this beautifully executed sequel is amazing. With a seamless and expanded integration from the first Mass Effect, this game is worth every penny. If you haven't played Mass Effect 2 yet, please stop waiting. gives it a perfect 10/10:
Easily one of the best next-generation games around and a huge improvement over the original, Mass Effect 2 stands strong as a one of the most captivating, mesmerizing and epic masterpieces you will ever play.
XboxHome gives it a 9.6/10:
Finding fault with Mass Effect 2 is difficult. While you may still find the occasional glitch in combat and could become frustrated with the long loading times, on the whole this is a title that anyone will find enjoyment in. The improvements to the combat system may make the game feel more like an action title, but with character development sure to suck you in, and actions affecting the overall outcomes, even the most dedicated to the RPG cause will love this game. gives it a 4.5/5:
The Mass Effect series has become the crown jewel of the modern RPG genre and is an experience that every gamer (or anyone who can appreciate a fantastic Sci-fi adventure) should have.
AllAgeGaming gives it a perfect 10/10:
If you are still wondering who is on your team, which old characters return, why has Shepard got scars, can I have a lesbian relation- then good, go play the game. It trumps the first game but at the same time shows emerging trends in simplifying menus for graphics and streamlining action. An example of the best gaming currently has to offer, exclusive to Microsoft and damn fine Science Fiction. Bring on Mass Effect 3.
Bitmob gives it an "A":
Mass Effect 2 pulls no punches with its special brand of RPG and shooter crossbreeding. The shooting mechanics have been polished to stand with the best of them and its expansive storyline is poised to rival -- maybe even supplant -- the sci-fi predominately owned by "Star Wars." Far from being just another space opera, ME2 offers an adventure of blockbuster proportions that produces tangibly different outcomes particular to every gamer that plays it. And one that takes full advantage of the medium the doctors at Bioware decided to tell it in.
Games Xtreme gives it a 9.8/10:
After finishing ME2 in around 40 hours I can say that I have not regretted it one bit. There are bonuses for finishing the game as well, unlocking extra xp perks as well as a few nice rewards. I can't wait for 3 now Bioware, so...yeah...let's see where you take us next.
GamesLatest gives it a 9.0/10:
In conclusion I believe Mass Effect 2 has expanded the RPG genre in new directions rather than evolve it further. Traditional role playing games might have peaked with titles like FFVII or FFX or Oblivion or Fallout 3 or even WoW. However, your solitary experience in Mass Effect 2 is more than just following through a predefined story on a predetermined path. Your actions bring about change, for better or for worse is completely in your hands.
And Pocket-lint gives it a 9/10:
Whether you completed the first game or not, Mass Effect 2 is unmissable. By streamlining and polishing its RPG/shooter mechanics, Bioware has produced a game that will feel just as satisfying to the Gears of War crowd as it will to those who loved Baldur's Gate or Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and the dialogue-driven story is superb. RPG purists might snort at the more action-friendly bias, but anyone with sense will realise that this is a magnificent effort that sees Bioware back at its best.