Mass Effect 2 Getting Free DLC Tomorrow

BioWare's Chris Priestly stopped by the official Mass Effect 2 forums to announce that they'll be releasing a new M-22 Eviscerator Shotgun and a suit of Cerberus Armor onto the game's Cerberus Network at noon (MST) tomorrow.
On Tuesday February 09 2010 Mass Effect 2 fans will be able to get the new Cerberus Assault Armor and M-22a Eviscerator Shotgun DLC fof free through the Cerberus network. It should be available for all fans, both on PC and Xbox 360 at 12:00pm Mountain Standard Time.

Cerberus Assault Armor
Cerberus assault armor is designed for shock troops, turn the tide of battle against creatures or forces that would decimate normal soldiers.
Increases heavy weapon ammo capacity by +10%
Increases shields by +10%
Increases health by +10%

M-22a Eviscerator Shotgun
The M-22a Eviscerator Shotgun is a longer-range shotgun with armor-piercing loads. This design also violates several intergalactic weapons treaties, so the M-22a is not distributed to militaries.
Screenshots of the armor in action can be found here.
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