Din's Curse v0.905 Beta Patch Released, Priest Class Profiled
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1713
'¢ increased food spawn chance from 4.0 to 5.0 (FloodSpectre)
'¢ increased health potion chance from 2.0 to 2.5 (FloodSpectre)
'¢ fixed death knight in bestiary (Valgor)
'¢ fixed bestiary icon alignment (Valgor)
'¢ fixed a typo in saurian mage text (FloodSpectre)
'¢ fixed Viper Naga capitalization (FloodSpectre)
'¢ fixed nobodies spelling (FloodSpectre)
'¢ fixed some RenegadeKilled text (FloodSpectre)
'¢ fixed evil altar curse text (FloodSpectre)
'¢ made close icon on quest screen smaller
'¢ fixed new world highlight text (FloodSpectre)
'¢ shifted earthquake center a bit so it's less likely that cave-ins will fall directly on attacker
'¢ fixed a radius bug with earthquakes
'¢ decreased cave-in damage from 10-30/3-7 to 5-15/2-5
'¢ changed haste effect
'¢ changed fireworks effects
'¢ increased alcohol, acid, and magma additional spawn chances
'¢ increased oil and alcohol spread chances (getter77)
'¢ now have player killed print in singleplayer also (mostly for logging purposes) (Cadfan)
'¢ now get a surprise bonus when you teleport (getter77)
'¢ fixed healer extra mana per spirit skill
'¢ fixed a power bonus typo
'¢ fixed shaman extra mana per spirit skill
'¢ increased base DamageMultPerStr from 0.5 to 0.6 (Aganazer)
'¢ increased defender DamageMultPerStr from 0.001 to 0.002
'¢ fixed up some monster more monster class stuff
'¢ increased base DefensePerDex from 3.0 to 3.5 (Aganazer)
'¢ increased trickster DefensePerDex from 0.5 to 0.75
'¢ increased thief DefensePerDex from 1.0 to 1.25
'¢ reputation reward is no class specific (cthonic)
'¢ darkness and bright are now incompatible modifiers (Greyhead)
'¢ increased level of summoned monsters again (Gutsman)
'¢ increased chances of new quest giver quests from 1.5 to 1.75 (Cadfan)
'¢ fixed daze mana requirement (getter77)
'¢ decreased monster AttackPerDex from 5.0 to 4.0
'¢ fixed stealth not working right when running around a corner (Gutsman)
'¢ altars and machines can no longer be champions (FloodSpectre)
'¢ now verify at least a unique monster and can move for revenge quests (FloodSpectre)
'¢ fixed a lock picking bug (FloodSpectre/Tillek)
'¢ tighten item drop range some (cthonic)
'¢ fixed precise strike not working with decent or major distractions (Cadfan)
'¢ shield bash now counts as a minor distraction (Cadfan)
'¢ now caltrops does a little bit of damage (getter77)
'¢ fixed skeleton warrior icon in bestiary (Valgor)
'¢ improved alt help text
'¢ now show explosion radius in skill help (getter77)
'¢ added a small amount of health regen per vitality (cthonic)
'¢ increased weapon damage per level by 10%
'¢ assassins and scouts tend to start more toward edges of town now
'¢ town attacks are a little slower now
'¢ balanced Zalim better (Nemhir)
'¢ slowed down orc shaman, dark elf priest, dark elf wizard, naga priest, and saurian mage spell attacks
'¢ dark elf wizard uses ice storm a little less now
'¢ decreased health mult for plaguebringer larva from 0.8 to 0.5 (Nemhir)
'¢ decreased monster vitality per level again
'¢ shadows now do less damage but are harder to hit (Nemhir)
'¢ shadows should now be a little easier to target (Nemhir)
'¢ decreased plate spawn chance from 1.0 to 0.75 (FloodSpectre)
'¢ added descriptions to know world modifiers (viper34j)
'¢ fixed NoStamina (Valgor)
'¢ added 3 obelisk quests
'¢ now townDefenseRewards can be normal entities
'¢ added a good totem quest
'¢ added build altar quest
'¢ town can now sometimes build a brightness machine after destroying a darkness machine
'¢ fixed spawning money issue when level is not loaded
'¢ renamed low, medium, high to easy, normal, and hard
'¢ color coded easy and hard (green/yellow respectively)
'¢ increased Din's radius
'¢ fixed a couple deliver this information typos (icekrystal10)
'¢ fixed NPCs health across saves (FloodSpectre)
'¢ fixed player xp split in multiplayer