Din's Curse v0.908 Beta Patch Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1506
'¢ added to credits
'¢ fixed level 1 scree showing up in higher levels (Gorgarax)
'¢ fixed throw cursor on Mac
'¢ fixed keys, flaming oil, and ice bombs not spawning correctly at higher levels (Kruztee)
'¢ added a quest from the vendor (essentially a bet)
'¢ now experience is last part of quest reward so that other level related rewards behave a bit better
'¢ monsters will no longer attack traps on the ground because they hurt them (FloodSpectre/Wantonius)
'¢ changed Next Enemy key name to Next Enemy in Melee Range (Howler)
'¢ shift left clicking on a stackable item now splits 1 item from the stack (Howler)
'¢ now auto pick up money if no other players in game
'¢ fixed serrated arrow deep wounds chance (Caal)
'¢ fixed a couple more places where delivery/retrieve wording didn't match correctly (Cadfan)
'¢ difficulty level is now reset when you enter setup world screen (timeh)
'¢ now check if npcs are petrified for fail condition (tkirby2003)
'¢ updated Staying Alive/Death in manual
'¢ better explained using skills in help/manual
'¢ added Inventory Screen help topic
'¢ fixed SwitchTo2ndWeaponSet / SwitchTo1stWeaponSet
'¢ now color code weapon set I & II with green and red depending on if
'¢ you have a weapon equipped or not
'¢ if enter dungeon with no weapon now warn player
'¢ fixed a double plural issue in one find quest (FloodSpectre)
'¢ should now get credit for kills when you break a poison barrel and it kills a monster (FloodSpectre)
'¢ fixed CastTime
'¢ curses now have an area of effect centered at mouse (cthonic)
'¢ decreased curses duration from 30.0 to 20.0
'¢ fixed a skill/animation timing issue that is more noticable on skills like zeal (Gutsman)
'¢ now reaction skills like riposte will work on auto target (Nemhir)
'¢ now magic critical hits count in combat reaction stuff (Nemhir)
'¢ the noise range on pain is longer related to victim's aggression range
'¢ now thief's Concentration: Poison skill boosts archer's poison arrow skill (FloodSpectre)
'¢ now show chance to pick lock on lock pick skill (FloodSpectre)
'¢ got rid of File/Edit menus on Mac OS bar (Amberjoy)
'¢ picking a lock now gives you an extra chance to disarm any potential traps also
'¢ completely reworked stored lightning skill (Gutsman)
'¢ fixed a or an issue with untranslated text (icekrystal10)
'¢ fixed some spells like ShockWave checking if can see mouse position when it shouldn't
'¢ increased alcohol, acid, and magma AddAdditionalChance
'¢ increased alcohol, acid, and ice spread chances
'¢ now spiders can spawn webs just as obstacles for enemies (getter77)
'¢ now can choose slow pace, normal, or fast pace on new world (Lyranaar/derailed)
'¢ increased level up volume some (Lyranaar)
'¢ reworded location for some quests to One Possible Location (Archon)
'¢ now get a health bar for person you are escorting (Ephemera/Flailsnail)
'¢ can now switch master server zones without leaving game (Twotricks)
'¢ increased most set bonuses