Alpha Protocol Previews and Screenshots
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The first preview is at Gaming Union:
What isn't expected is an action/reaction system very similar to (at the risk of drawing parallels) Bioware's 'conversation wheel', only with a little more detail. During conversations players are given options such as aggressive, professional, and suave, which naturally only detail the 'kind' of response that will be given rather then a full blown direction. Players are also given a limited amount of time to make a response, which makes conversation flow in a more realistic manner. It also adds for a bit of tension and drama, as new characters encountered will naturally prefer to be treated in different ways.
The other is at Zavvi Blog:
Alpha Protocol's cynical, hyper-contemporary universe makes an extremely pleasant change from outer space or Medieval England, and it's a world that borrows equally from three sources in particular 24, and the James Bond and Jason Bourne movies. This isn't surprising when you consider that the game's development team Obsidian Entertainment have revealed that they shaped many of the dialogue options around close adherence to (the three J.B.'s). During conversations you're often asked to choose from one of three options in particular: (Suave) (James Bond) (Professional) (Jason Bourne) and (Aggressive) (Jack Bauer). Depending on which tack you take the outcome is surprisingly different, and every conversation potentially has repercussions. Crack a joke with a impatient superior and you'll play through the following mission without valuable intel. Act unpleasantly towards the colleague of yours who supplies your gadgets, and he'll conveniently forget to give you a tool that enables simplified hacks for the next mission.
And then the screenshots can be found at Hooked Gamers.
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