Alpha Protocol Reviews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2043
RPGWatch starts us off with their impressions:
From a technical viewpoint, Alpha Protocol lacks polish but I didn't encounter any substantial issues. The graphics on PC are serviceable, although the animation is lacklustre. The game ran very smoothly on my low-end rig and was essentially bug-free. I encountered one scripting error when I took an unexpected path through one area, but that was it. The AI is mediocre; not as bad as reported but it does ignore some simple things, such as open doors and missing companions. The PC version does have console conversion issues: checkpoint-only saves, no double-clicking and unreliable scroll-wheel use are annoying but not uncommon these days.
Beyond the obvious issues outlined, I feel Alpha Protocol is unsure of its own identity and this sends mixed messages to players, resulting in mixed reactions. The combat is affected by the RPG elements but the RPG systems don't quite stand on their own; I would have liked a deeper skill system and stronger stealth mechanics - including the boss fights. At a deeper conceptual level, Alpha Protocol presents a real-world setting but then uses skills that act like magic and exaggerated characters inspired by '80s Bond films. I thoroughly enjoyed the characters and writing but they seem an uncomfortable fit with the realism. Ultimately, I think Alpha Protocol would have been better with a more stylised, graphic-novel theme.
MMGN follows with a 6.0/10:
Alpha Protocol is bursting with great ideas, but none of them make it to the surface unscathed. The RPG and character development elements are perfect for the third person shooter audience. Your actions and skill development have an enormous influence on the game's outcome and adds some reply value. Unfortunately it's all let down by bug infested gameplay. For a third person shooter the shooting is way below par, the A.I. is as bad as it gets and the cover system just doesn't work. It had the potential to be great and still offers some fun, but Alpha Protocol is riddled with flaws that stop it being all it should have been.
And then PS3center clocks in with a 7.0/10:
Alpha Protocol has got some major flaws, but despite this, it is still a good game. If you are looking for a good shooter, I'd recommend you avoid it, but if you are looking for a relatively good stealth game with some nice RPG elements, then I'd recommend you buy it. I wish it was better than this, and I hope that Sega and Obsidian do not give up on it, and come back with a hugely improved sequel soon.