Two Worlds II Antaloor Post #21

A twenty-first Two Worlds II Antaloor Post newsletter is now available, with this latest entry spotlighting spell casting times and cooldowns, "medical reports" from the imperial mines of Hatmandor, a location known only as "The Swallows", and more. From the usual Q&A with Reality Pump's Mirek Dymek:
AP: How is the progress on the epic RPG "Two worlds II" coming along?

Mirek: Excellently! We are right on target, and currently focused on balancing a number of features and of course fine tuning the various aspects of the game. First up on the list finalizing the intuitive game controls, and ensuring the structured and organized design of all game menus. We have recently made significant alterations to the interface of the CRAFT Tool feature, which helps players more readily identify the numerous actions possible with regards to a single piece of equipment. Whether destroying, upgrading, or re-colouring - all options and item requirements, such as colour dye pots for painting equipment or materials for upgrading, are shown in the very detailed item description.

AP: Is there a possibility of new features being added as you fine tune the game?

Mirek: The main features of the game are already in place and implemented already of course. Despite this fact, we are constantly evaluating possibilities for new content and goodies, assuming they make sense and are within reason. If someone on the team has a cool idea for a side quest, we do our best to integrate it into the game. Often times some of the best of these decisions come really spontaneously.

Another area where we've continued to expand is mini-games. We've added a number during the last few weeks. There are now 6 different dice games alone, so you'll have plenty of chances to blow your hard earned auras in the taverns across Antaloor playing Poker, Hearts or Cubilete! ;-)
Related Games: Two Worlds II