Alpha Protocol Reviews
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Ultimately, Alpha Protocol is a title suffering from so many quality control issues that it's remarkable that it made it onto shelves in such an unpolished state. But beneath the glitches and somewhat bland gameplay lies a spy tale which makes us wonder if Tom Clancy is on Obsidian's payroll as it weaves a tale of international espionage at its finest; full of double-crosses, cheesy Europeans and more intrigue than you can poke a stick at - with a side helping of plot cliche for emphasis. Alpha Protocol is a commendable attempt at story-driven, role-playing action which sadly doesn't live up to its promise, leaving many of us to wonder at what it could have been with a little more polish.
And then NooBTooB goes for a 3/5:
If you really get some time into Alpha Protocol, stomaching the extremely not fun combat for around half the game, it really starts to shine and glimmer with its kickass story, fantastic pacing, and the kind of cool abilities. All the things as they are now could have made a great game fantastic right now Alpha Protocol is just an unfinished, buggy, glitchy mess of a game that requires downing a few shots before you can stomach some of its bullshit. Like Heavy Rain before it, I'm not promising that it's going to revolutionize the game industry but I'd suggest everyone at least play it, lest you miss out on what writing in games is supposed to be.