Alpha Protocol Reviews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1510 gives it an 8.0/10:
From the beginning of the game, till the ending, I was relatively pleased with how important and impactful the decisions I made were. Not only my overall attitude with my handlers, but my decisions of whom to kill, whom to let live, and how to make alliances truly affected the game world. This really helped make me feel like my entire experience repaid me for my actions. If you are familiar with Obsidian games, you will have a somewhat decent idea of what to expect as far as the rough edges go. Despite some issues, Alpha Protocol is a fairly re-playable game and even a map-exploring completionist can expect to spend thirteen hours or so playing through the game one time.
DualShockers gives it a 4.0/10:
All in all, AP did show small signs of life and plenty of good intention and ideas. Unfortunately, there wasn't any follow through to go with any of the positive things that are in there. In closing, if you're a fan of the WRPG genre and are tired of fighting with swords and shields, you may want to give this game a (really) quick look; a rent at the absolute most. If you're an action or stealth fan, stay far away from this one. I find it pretty ironic that as this review is published, yesterday on July 6th 2010 Sega announced that there would not be an Alpha Protocol 2. However, if you read this review I guess you already knew that.
Xbox World Australia gives it a 60/100:
I had high expectations for Alpha Protocol and really hoped it was going to be a blockbuster but with my objective reviewer hat firmly in place, I just cannot ignore the game many faults. I believe this opinion would be shared by the majority of gamers; however, Alpha Protocol is an original RPG that makes a refreshing and welcomed departure from Science Fiction and Fantasy settings. Alpha Protocol does many things right and succeeds where it count for an RPG but falls short elsewhere. I hope for the sake of future RPGs that Alpha Protocol is successful enough to warrant a sequel and that Obsidian learn from their mistakes and build on what could be a great franchise.
And RealGamer gives it a 6.5/10:
As a pure role-playing game, for me Alpha Protocol doesn't really cut it. Despite some good elements it seems too structured and restrictive, especially when compared to other RPG's - a key fact which may put many role-playing fans off. Alpha Protocol maybe a role-playing game in name, but for me it felt far to much like an average third person shooter.