Eschalon: Book II v1.04 Patch Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2679
* Initial support for external "language packs". See README.TXT for additional details. (1)
* Fixed a few bad focus points in the Character Editor.
* Some Merchants have had their base gold reserves raised.
* When reparing items, the cost of the repair goes into Merchant's reserves.
* Swapping equipment now makes noise which can break Hidden or Silent status.
* A minor map adjustment to the top level of Hammerlorne.
* Lanterns and Wands no longer get repaired when camping.
* "Cat's Eyes not working" bug fixed. Note that in the very darkest of dungeons, Cat's Eyes may not provide enough boost to actually benefit you- use Preditor Site instead.
* Haste canceled properly when Riposte Feat used.
* Dex/HiS reference in Character Editor text removed.
* Shield bonus info added to Character Editor text.
* Fixed "Cat's Eyes negates Hidden in Shadow status" bug.
* Fixed the broken dice re-roll in the Character Editor.
* Further tweaks to the way an enemy reacts to your 'hidden' status when you make noise.
* Removed references to DEX improving Hide in Shadows.
* Made a few more adjustments to the Player's Manual.
* Fixed a script error on a chest west of Forsaken Coast.
* Fixed a number of map errors affecting all platforms.
* Fixed several Linux specific bugs.
* Dexterity can now improve Move Silent as per the User's Manual.
* Entities can now "see" you if you are Hidden in Shadow and you make noise above your Move Silent threshhold.
* Entities can see you if you are invisible but producing light via torch, Gravedigger Spell, or lantern.
* Invisibity duration has been lowered.
* Containers are no longer accessable after you pass through a portal.
* Weather no longer follows you through a portal.
* Additional exit gates open on Talushorn L3 and L4 after specific events.
* Chronometer now reports correct time.
* Improved the way damage rolls are calculated and reported.
* Items that give Resistance bonus to all stats work properly.
* Resistance scores now cap out at 99%
* You can now cast spells (such as Firedart) on stunned creatures.
* You no longer get an error when trying to use an imbue/harden receipe without having an empty flask in your inventory.
* Having a very high Mercantile score no longer results in negative repair costs.
* You can now capture dialog screens.
* Clicking near your "Hunger" bar no longer activates the Quick Travel menu.
* You properly recieve the quest "The Secret Society" even if you choose to not tell Saint Gilhelm where you got the Looking Glass.
* Fixed a ridiculous amount of grammar issues pointed out by the "Grammar Trolls".
(1) We are still waiting on people to finish translating the game. In order to test the function out, here is a link to an incomplete French translation: French (Incomplete) ... Furthermore, the new languages are only going to be for the TEXT files in the game- that means most menus and interface labels will still be in English for now. While this is not a complete translation, it should allow most non-english speaking persons to enjoy 95% of the game (dialog, narration, books, character editor functions, etc.). Future updates will include additional interface translations.