Din's Curse v1.002 Patch and v1.003 Beta Patch Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1488
- fixed DemonMastery StatusEffect icon (Caal)
- fixed frustum spelling
- now cull properly in perspective mode
- fixed lich control status effect icon (Valgor)
- added perspective view mode
- perspective user var and ui
- added addsTo for database entries (like overrides, but adds to array type things instead of overriding)
- now only calculate _viewConversionFactor at beginning
- shadows can now be on objects with transparency
- added an option to turn shadows on for world objects
- moved shadow light position to lighting system
- improved UI
- added lighting to models on main menu
- added lighting to models on new character screen
- sped up perspective mode slightly
- added new shadow option to highest settings option
- improved model culling (speeds up ortho & perspective modes)
- changed perspective view to the default
- added new perspective option to highest/fastest settings options
- now most bushes/trees sway slightly with the wind
- added r_detailModelMovement option
- added new detailModelMovement option to highest/fastest settings options
- added draw player helmet option (Roswitha)
- added more room to game options screen
- fixed being able to fail some quests right after solving them (Roswitha)
- fixed horror teleport effect (Valgor)
- removed compressed textures option from ui
- added character export to logs when win or lose town
- decreased normal monster dropping item chance from 0.25 to 0.2
- now draw secondary item text first so it is behind primary text in case they overlap (Aet)
- changed starting backpack to 16 slots, no longer get extra bag though
- fixed built a statue typo (Roswitha)
- now hide long keynames on used use slots (Roswitha)
- fixed keyboard options screen not fitting on normal monitors
- changed fewer magic items words (Roswitha)
- fixed poverty typo (Roswitha)
- changed poor to dirt poor (Roswitha)
- fixed half of the health wording issue (Roswitha)
- clarified honorable death description with text mentioning not permanent unless in hardcore
- mini-volcanos no longer get in the way of rescues (Haigdul)
- decreased area heal reusetime from 10.0 to 8.0 (Jorlen)
- increased lifeburn damage over time (TheRani)
- oil, acid, and magma traps no longer allowed on random objects (Roswitha)
- added a little more text about leaving or dying to meeting quest text (Valgor)
- fixed frost nova not destroying doors (Aet)
- now abandoning a town gives you a bunch of xp debt
- create new world now tells you when it would be abandoning a town and warns about stats/xp debt
- fixed new character with multiplayer and then the first singleplayer game counting as an abandon
- npcs can no longer complete new apothecary quest (demoss)
- sped up LightingSystem::getLineOfSightIntensity a tad
- objects that you have already seen blink out of sight less now
- now only update world map after moving
- fixed some issues with Din final quests (Pheelon)
- renamed Din's final quests to be a little more significant
- muscipula plant and broken barrels no longer fade out because they are in the way
- increased difficulty of champion, elite, and legendary difficulties (Inspired)
- culled entities now fade in better
- fixed a roof fading out issue
- added triple buffering to troubleshooting section of manual
- added a min level to smuggled goods quest
- now lose a little reputation after smuggling quest (Inspired)
- fixed war quest not always spawning monsters correctly
- fixed dark elf assassins shadow
- now game fails town if apothecary dead & steward petrified
- fixed dying from an object not incrementing your death counter correctly (Bugbear)
- failed meeting quests no longer spawn unique monster quests for killed meeting members (random_rolle)
- fixed weapon speed modifier not working correctly on armor pieces (Robin)
- renegades can now respawn again if they were lost somehow
- now check if npcs can see enemies that would prevent a rescue (Haigdul)
- now spawn a little more cursed items when playing cursed characters (TheRani)
- decreased treasure find elixir per level bonus from 5 to 2
- increased armor & weapon stands magic chance
- made money chests better
- solving Din's final quests now open next difficulty correctly (demoss)
- fixed a couple collision issues in Vehement Chambers (Kirk)
- fixed weird auto solve issue when a new monster gets added to a unique group (Valgor)
- fixed a 1 off issue with weighted random numbers
- changed item glow to match item colors (Valgor)
- now build.cfg controls whether or not manual link appears
- get info on mac now shows version correctly (Aet)
- treasure quests no longer tell you about any reputation gain (Caal)
- respecing skills with status effects now works better (TheRani)
- can now select other players with F1 - F8 (Aganazer)
- fixed key select background
- fixed duplicate input background
- now only show hotkey on use slots if hotkey name is one character long
- added a Ways Back to Town help topic
- added Ways Back to Town to manual
- stunned monsters (and others that can't move) can no longer block, dodge, evade, etc. (Heinosity)
- fixed Egg Sac spelling (Roswitha)
- Dark Elf Wizards should no longer be able to cast Ice Storms through walls (Heinosity)
- now npcs in town look towards the center of town
- townspeople now look towards danger in town (Framistan)
- decreased shatter & bone shatter damage
- spells like frost nova can no longer go through walls
- fire elemental now has a 2 minute reuse time, but is now much more powerful
- hidden creatures can see through stealth a little better now
- fixed a way that a summoned creature could attack player (Teddy)
- fixed liches not following the leader correctly (Roswitha)
- fixed looking for some steel wording (Roswitha)
- added deadly poison icon (Valgor)
- increased area heal mana a little, but heal a lot (Jorlen)
- fixed some trap names (Kruztee/Roswitha)
- made town attack ending a bit more full proof (Roswitha)
- quest monsters can no longer get upgraded (Roswitha)
- changed protocol version
- added advanced Ego mode (half xp for achievements below your level)
- added advanced Unlucky mode (-50 magic find to start off)
- added advanced Poverty mode (-50 item find and -50 money find to start off)
- added advanced Honorable Death mode (losing the town kills you)
- added advanced Fragile mode (half health)
- changed skill power needed to a float for a bit more control (Magitek)
- chaos lord summons no longer use the earthquake skill (a little safer for the player)
- summoned chaos lords no long make stomping noises
- increased health/damage of summoned chaos lord (iligiann)
- increased mana on block/parry for defender & paladin from 0.5 to 2.0 (elsol69)
- fixed getting unique monsters in monster quest (Annalisa)
- changed personal gift chests from basically small to large chests (Kruztee)
- monsters that give quests and other neutral monsters will no longer attack pets (Kruztee)
- crushing blow item magic modifier now applies to magic crushing blow also (Stardusts)
- critical hit item magic modifier now applies to magic critical hit also
made holy fire a bit more powerful (iligiann)- fixed gabardine spelling (Roswitha)
- can now walk through ghosts that have revenge quests (Marcin)
- mini-volcanos no longer show dot on mini-map (Valgor)
- totems are now considered inanimate, no longer break stealth (viper34j)
- quest monsters can no longer fall down pit traps (Aganazer)
- names for keys, flaming oil, and ice bombs are now white to see them a little easier (graffen69)
- added some grass to town centers
- fixed yellow crystals not glowing
- each crystal color now glows at a different speed
- added a little bit more clutter to some of the dungeons
- skulls no longer have collision
- set, unique, artifact, and legendary items now get better automatic damage/armor bonuses