EverQuest Next Announced, Artwork
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1601
SOE President John Smedley touted only a few games in this year's address.
EverQuest: House of Thule releases on October 14th. It adds a plethora of new dungeons and content, as well as the addition of player housing.
EQ2 expansion is The Return of the Void.ok just kidding. It's.
EverQuest II: Destiny of Velious releases February 8th and, amongst other things, will introduce flying mounts in most zones. It is unclear which zones are being configured to allow this. Say what you will about Brenlo, but this was an initiative he pushed for. Glad to see it's coming.
EQ2 Extended Beta launches August 17th. New optional free adventure service. Live subscription remains unchanged. Yadda yadda.
FreeRealms coming to Mac and PS3 in ~2 months. Currently 13 million players (unknown how many are paying)
Clone Wars Adventures shown at E3, targeted at FreeRealms crowd. Based closely on the Cartoon Network series and will have heavy cross-promotion.
Magic the Gathering strategy game will be something quite different. It's not a TCG.
DC Universe Online Releases November 2nd. PC and PS3, Action-based physics. Newsworthy bit: Pre-ordering will be huge and allow you to play as Batman, as well as get a basketful of free items. Shown the astonishingly good trailer from last week featuring Lex Luthor.
One more thing.
and then we're Rick rolled. Oh boy.
Ok really.
slide: The future of Everquest.
Smedley: We're not done with EverQuest.
Concept Art shots.
The (Evolution of EverQuest) panel surprise announcement for Friday and Saturday at 10am.
He strongly suggested we attend either of the 2 identical panels to give as much feedback and input as possible on the development of EverQuest Next.