Disciples III: Renaissance Reviews
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GameSpot gives it a 5.5/10:
There isn't enough depth to Disciples III to keep things exciting throughout the whole campaign, but the reliable rhythms of exploration and combat offer a steady supply of languid satisfaction. The stellar visual design is a treat even after you've poured tens of hours into the campaign, but even hulking beasts with human torsos coming out of their backs lose their edge somewhere along that lengthy journey. There aren't many stand-alone maps available for non-campaign play, and the only multiplayer option is hotseat. Having a human opponent always offers more of a challenge, but the creeping monotony that plagues the whole game remains an issue. If you're looking for a beautiful, fantastical world where you can while away the hours in idle exploration and simple combat, then Disciples III is a pleasant destination. But if you want a tactical challenge, strategic gameplay, or an engaging campaign, Disciples III will disappoint you.
GamesRadar gives it a 4/10:
Disciple III's lengthy campaign is rounded out by a hot-seat multiplayer mode that lets you duke it out with pals on the same PC through a limited selection of maps. Considering the main game has its share of issues, dragging a friend over for a multiplayer match is going to feel like more of a punishment than a good use of a free afternoon. While this could have been an awesome game to geek out on, its numerous technical problems kill the mood pretty quickly.
The Adrenaline Vault gives it a 4/5:
If you like turn-based strategy games, or have been a fan of the other games in the Disciples series, or just don't care about the fact that it's turn-based as long as the story is solid and well thought-out (which it is), Disciples III is a worthwhile addition to your library. I'm not going to be like some reviewers and criticize it for being turn-based; I'd be a hypocrite if I did, because I've spent up to eight hours at a time playing it. If I can find a game that compelling, and if my only major complaint is the shortage of maps for solo and Hotseat modes, then you know Akella has done something right. Still, turn-based strategy games are not for everybody, so Akella has made a 3.7 GB demo available for those who want to try before they buy.
Zeitgeist Game Review doesn't score it:
I've got some strong mixed feelings about (Disciples 3: Renaissance). The story is either really crappy or it's just not well told but the game design is great and the game-play is addicting and fun even though it gets stale after a while. The presentation is wonderfully immersive with beautifully detailed graphics and animations and an engaging soundtrack. It's too bad that the terrible voice acting of the narrator draws you away from the fantasy world. All in all, the game just left an average taste in my mouth. If you are looking for a pretty decent strategy game and are more in to turn-based action as opposed to real time, you might give it a try.
And Aeropause gives it a 2.5/5:
While I have beat this game up a bit, Disciples III has so many good components that continue to get buried by bugs, bad audio work and a general lack of polish. There is a great game that is trying so hard to get out from these entrapments, but unfortunately, it might take until Disciples IV for that game to be found. For the hardcore turn-based strategy nuts, you will probably be able to sit through the rough stuff to enjoy all the trappings of a good game, but for the rest, you might wait until Disciples III moves down the ladder in price.